46. Infrequent Inferences

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There was a numb feeling spreading through her being. Kim Begay was in the safety of her own home.

She should be safe.

The charmed dagger through her stomach would beg to differ. A wrinkly almost claw like hand twisted it slightly, almost as if willing the enchantments on the blade to work faster.

"Now, my dear," the owner of the hand started, "just give in. The sooner you do the sooner I can get that bitch back in her proper place."

She spat, a mix of her blood, bile, and spittle, right over the left lens of his glasses staining it with his sins.

"The hard way it is, then." The void blue eyes gave an air of nonchalance as he seemingly sighed in disappointment.

She knew her wards have already alerted the nearest wixen that can help her, but she knew. She knew she might not see her pups again. These could very well be her last moments.

Her phone rang.

The deranged monster before her jolted in surprise, jerking the dagger slightly causing a hiss of pain to leave her.

She didn't wait for the pain to stop trumming through her. She took out one of her attacker's legs with a sweep of one of hers and watched as he pulled the dagger down with him, landing heavily with a sick crack and a howl of pain. She absently noted that maybe her insides were now on the outside, which wasn't very good.

That bought the Aurors some chance of keeping him in custody once they finally came. An old man can't run too far with a broken hip.

Her vision was swimming and her hearing muffled when she felt her wards bringing the Aurors to the scene.


Regulus Severus Snape, though that wasn't on his school forms quite yet, had felt a pit in his stomach all day.

This pit turned into inexcusable and immense pain once he focused on Aunty Kim and what her possible reaction to his mother's pregnancy.

He will at later a later time deny how quickly he hit the ground writhing in pain.

He will however own up to the tears that spilled down his face at the pain. He wondered quite briefly if this was what the Cruciatus curse felt like but all over, he'd have to ask someone he's not emotionally attached to, as that was an experience he'd like to live without.

He focused on something else, or tried to, it was kinda hard to do so when you felt like your innards were now outards.  But he tried to focus on Uncle Draco anyway. Namely because he wasn't the one that was made to suffer danger at every breath. So he pictured him in his mind, listing five things he's feeling right now, unfortunately that was particularly randy at the moment but he'll live.

"Aunt Kim, pain. Knife dark. Riftie need." He hissed out once as he panted now focusing on his sister, the flood of worry filling his chest. "Don't check, hurt bad."

"Call Rifton." Ceres said, a hand running through Reggie's hair to try and ground him more. "Aunty Kim's not okay."


Rifton had just left the courtroom when his secretary had basically pulled him out of the courthouse and to a private alcove where the fellow twink had cast a few privacy charms before practically having a mental breakdown of Jurassic proportions.

Aunt Kim, his Aunty Kim, was being hospitalized for a- a what?

"How the fuck did that decrepit lemon loving goat fucker get his hands on an enchanted dagger?" His voice was that of a calm, dangerous anger that had cut through Isaac's ramblings.

"They're not sure since his lack of a fully functional magical core should've made it impossible to even touch the thing." Isaac huffed indignantly.

"I'll get working on a suit against him, you go pick up the twins and-" Rifton was cut off.

"Reggie felt it."

"So they don't have the same type of inferences that their mother has. Shit."

"We don't need to worry about that now."

"Then what do we need to worry about?"

"He's in the hospital too, Ceres told me after she had the secretary call for an ambulance. He's got internal bruising and enough hemorrhaging that he needed two blood replenishers before he even got to the hospital. It wasn't just an inference."

"It's a special kind of fucked up isn't it?"

"I'll work on getting the bare bones of the case started you go check on your family."

"I need to-"

"You need to make sure that both sides of that twisted attack are still breathing before the rage makes you stop, besides, your hair grew three inches from all of this."

"Make sure that (y/n) and Severus know, they'll probably be worse, her inferences are hampered when pregnant so she probably doesn't know."

"How'd you know the good news the kid's got before this?"

"When your life is filled with those who  know it's kinda hard not to pick up on gut feelings. Hence the lawyering."

"You deduced that she hadn't because I didn't mention her calling or coming over, with the fact that she had just gotten married added on to that and there's your answer."

"Like I said, gut feelings, which hospital are they at?"

"St. Gryffd's was closer than St. Jouges. And it's the only one with an ambulance system that diagnoses while on the go. So they're there. All three of them."

So Rifton apparated there.


Harry was enjoying teasing Draco from across the library as students had began filing back to their dorms.

The flush on the blond's face along with that heated look that passed his stormy eyes greatly pleased something deep inside him. He wasn't going to question it.

Especially when Draco gave as good as he got. And he did if those very detailed wet dreams he's been having after studying with his beau has been any indication.

He couldn't help this sinking feeling that everything was too good though, like the other shoe is gonna drop and he'll be under it. Especially today.

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