51. Epilogue: The End is Never Truly the End

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(Y/n) was going to castrate her mate with a blunt spoon.

Or so she thought as she felt another wave of contractions that nearly made her break the windows in her magical turmoil, for the umpteenth time this time. Her other pups are close by, a comfort to her at this time. Ceres has become a Master Healer and was assisting in delivering her fourth litter. Reggie was assisting Gus in keeping the other pups from worrying too much in the room on the otherside of the door she could see from the bed she was crouched next to to try and stave off the pain some. Moira and her litter mates, Eileen, Kore, and Killigan, Heir Slytherin/the third Lord Peverell, were likely in various stages of studying, likely for their NEWTs. Soren, Severin, Nero, and Abbas, were probably discussing quidditch with her equally pregnant brothers, both due for their first litter in about three months. The youngest litter, being Rhea, Thetis, Metis, and Dione, were likely clinging to big brother Reggie or uncles Barty and Rabastan or Joan.

Another contraction had her praying that this was her last litter for some time.


She woke to the soft murmurings of her mate.

"Look Rhea, see the little ones, you looked like that once. So tiny and precious."

"Daddy, will mummy be okay?" Rhea asked softly, concern coloring her voice.

"Oh, if she isn't I shall have words with the powers that be." Severus said, a fierce note ringing in his tone.

"Stern words?"

"The sternest words, because Daddy doesn't dare think of a world without your Mummy. Now precious, what do you think Mummy will choose for their names?"

"Are these babies boys or girls?"

"There's two girls, two boys, and one who is both."

"Both?" Her baby sounded so confused.

"Sometimes. For whatever reason, someone is born both."

"Like Joan!"

"Sh little one, we don't want to wake the babies or mummy yet, she's very tired from her very vicious battle with Ceres to have the babies."

"Sorry Daddy."

(Y/n) smiled softly before drifting off again, she'll wake fully when the babies needed feeding or changing later. Her pack was in good hands. She drifted into the void of dreams with a full heart.

Professor Black: A Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now