37. Keeping an Idiot Alive is Another

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Once she had made her way back onto school grounds by being apparated by Kreacher right into her office and sat behind her desk to think things through, she wanted nothing more than to be in the arms of her mate and shirk the duties the old goat keeps pressing into her back like weighted brands.

"I know you're there Barty, I just don't care." (y/n) didn't look up from her desk where a note from Draco sat taunting her.

She waved her hand at him and was then made to listen to the man complain.

"If you had a better sense of timing, you wouldn't be in this predicament. So hush." She sent him a look as she sighed in exasperation.

"You ousted me!"

"You damn near signed your lord's death warrant. Besides, why would a troublesome pawn bringing notice to the grand scheme working as planned be listened to to the point of action?" She asked tilting her head as the gears in the trust-up man's head began turning, and her gaze scanned over the note from Draco.

"What do you mean?"

"Barty, Harry and I received a letter from Gringotts. Where we learned some rather startling news, we both were under the influences of charms and potions and the thumb of a man who has no business being such a meddling fool. My twins, my children, were Prewitts because a good man was put under a very strong imperious. Which would explain why everything happened the way it had. I wouldn't be surprised if that prophecy is completely fake."

"Aren't you afraid I'll go running to my lord?"

"I would be if I didn't go knock some sense into him before this fiasco."

Barty fell silent for a moment before muttering, as if he had an epiphany, "That's why His Lordship told me not to go through with the plan."

"I see you're catching on."

"But why would putting Potter in danger be signing my Lord's death warrant?"

"He had accidentally made Harry one of his death-defying fail-safes and the boy's death would be hammering the final nail in his coffin."

"Well, shit."


"And because the kid's a student I'll be skinned if I try to kill the students."

"As the Muggles say, BINGO."

"I'm a dead man aren't I."

"Well if you give me a chance, I'll keep you alive."

"Why?" He narrowed his eyes at her.

"I dragged Regulus back home. He's in bad shape, however, he can and will recover, my mother won't let him do otherwise."


"And what?"

"What does that have to do with me?"

"I thought he was your dearest friend?" She quirked her brow at this and gave him a look.

"If you're going to imply anything just say it outright." He sounded exasperated.

"What, pray tell, am I implying?"

"We were lovers once upon a time."

"So you admit it?"

"Doesn't bloody mean anything now." He huffed.

Without saying another word she flooed the kitchens and had the elves there bring up some food for him. Waving her hand once more so he could sit up and eat comfortably.

"Eat, then I'll teach you how to summon me so I can talk to the dragon for you." She paused for a moment. "Besides, I don't think Gus likes his men well done."

Barty was taking a sip of pumpkin juice at that moment and began sputtering as it had gone down the wrong pipe.


Things had just gotten trickier in regard to the erotic pursuits of one Severus Snape towards his woman. He however remains undaunted. As failure to follow through with those pursuits will cause his Puff to die a very painful, gory death that he'd rather not happen because any thought of waking in a world without her made a deep, all-consuming pit grow in his chest. Having her live on the other side of the world is preferable to her death, which is why he was making plans with the house elf in charge of his rooms for Yule.

"Master Snake is having Miss Wolfy stay afters the ball?" Enid was an old thing, almost as old as Kreacher, who, whenever called upon by Severus, gave comments on how lovely his Miss Wolfy was.

"Yes, which is why that afternoon I'll be preparing my rooms. I'm letting you know not to mess with anything I do." He nodded as her already large eyes grew wider in what appeared to be joy.

"Enids knows not to, Master Snake. Enids also knows of a scent that pleases wolfies best in springtimes. Woulds Master Snake likes a sample to make sures it is safes for Miss Wolfy?" The house elf looked as if she were plotting her retirement from the castle.

"Only a sample, I don't want any harm to come to her from this." His tone was severe.

"Never to Miss Wolfsy!" Enid looked both mortified at the thought and chastised for some unknown reason, likely to do with her retirement plan.

"Good, thank you for your time, Enid. Have a good night." She left with a snap of her fingers leaving our favorite dungeon bat to plan for the event the following month.


Sirius was sat in a holding cell pending his trial the very next day, to say Lucius worked slow would be an insult. The very next hour, after his dear little cousin brought his missing brother home, Sirius Black received a notice from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement letting him know that should he arrive at the ministry at his earliest convenience his trial will be underway. So he flooed over, sauntered into Amelia Bones' office, and told her that he was innocent and was insistent that the trial be held with the use of veritaserum. Doing so with all the poise and grace of a Lord, which he thought impossible. Imagine the surprise Lia had when he strutted in and sat properly in a chair for the first time in his life and calmly professed his innocence and even swearing on his magic that he didn't do what he was imprisoned for. It was a right good prank, given the look on the woman's face when he shifted into Padfoot and back again with little hesitance. He ought to keep it up once this mess is cleaned up, it would be good fun to see the look on the other lords' faces when they see the rebellious Heir Black acting the proper lord. He could also work towards better rights for Remus, Puff, and all the little pufflings to follow. Yes, that would be grand, wouldn't it?


Draco sat in the Slytherin common room, he had left a note in his cousin's office after he was pulled aside by Barnaby, one of two Slytherins that couldn't go to either of the gendered dormitories and instead went to the same dorm that Joan got to stay in. They had told him with Joan's express permission, due to the twins calling him 'uncle', he ought to know that both his cousin and Harry had learned some things that will change certain things in the future. He hoped to receive some sort of reply tomorrow during their tea. This anxious waiting always made him dream weird dreams and he did not look forward to them tonight as he swallowed what of the nerves he could and trudged as elegantly as one can to his dorm and hoped he didn't see Harry's dead body in Hagrid's arms again.

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