12: Sseschni

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I spent the day planning how to communicate in the simplest terms, and my captor—Anhilde—must have thought hard as well. My conclusions are the following:

1) Anhilde's sire is brother to one of the pack that attacked our aerie. Anhilde insisted they do not usually prey on my kind, but chanced upon our aerie while hunting for something else. 

2) She says my purpose is to help her colony wean her, though I think she cannot be entirely correct. What unnatural creatures would treat a foster-mother so roughly?

3) She explained that if I don't stray far from her, I can leave my prison during the day.
I said I would die in the snow without the protection of her fire and furs.
I didn't feel the need to tell her that soon I will grow into my own heat.

I asked for news of my mother and clutch-brother. Anhilde claimed not to know anything, but promised to hunt for answers.

I believe she is too simple to lie to me. But I can easily imagine that she would be neglectful, or prove in the end to be more loyal to her sire and his abominable brother.

Which means my best chance of discovering anything is to cling to her every moment of the day, to listen when she chitters to her lumbering kin, so I can catch any news.

Where Frost Meets Fireजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें