1: Anhilde

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Dear Diary,

Guess what my Da got me for my thirteenth birthday? A Fire Lizard! Can you believe it?! Nobody at school has a fire lizard. They'll be so jealous.

It's blue and gold sort of swirled together, and its scales are softer than you'd think—I touched it when we were moving it to the crate by the hearth. Its body is as long as my fingertip to my elbow, about double with the tail. Da says it's probably female.

She's mostly just slept, but Da says she's probably a bit jostled from the move. It's practically impossible to get a fire lizard here in Jorkeld, but Uncle Bjorn goes to the Nejev for trade, and sold her to my Da for a good price.

With the Yule money from my godparents, I'll get a book on raising them tomorrow. Da says they should be like lindoorms, only smaller, but I don't want to miss anything.

I don't even know what to name her yet.


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Author's Note:

Hi there!  Do you have any pets? Or, if you could have any pet, what would you have?

I'm kind of experimenting with some things in this story, so I would appreciate any feedback! Please vote if you enjoy it 😊

I hope you have a nice day~

- Penny

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