11: Anhilde

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Dear Diary,

You're not going to believe this—no one is going to believe this—but Safire can speak.

It's not with words, though. More like pictures. They're very fast, like lightning in your mind.

I know you're thinking, "Oh, that's wonderful!" But it isn't. It really isn't. What am I supposed to do?

I tried to broach it to Da, like, "What if Safire was really, really smart?" But he just laughed. Fine for him! He's only dealt with goats and lindoorms.

What do I do? I'm going to school tomorrow, and I have to leave her in a box all day. She hates it there, Diary! The worst part is, I'm afraid she hates me, too.

I don't know what I can do, except go through the motions. If she'll come when I call, I can at least take her to school where it won't be so boring. Oh, but what if she hates me even more than that awful cage?

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