26: Sseschni

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The aerie is abandoned, and has been for months. A strange smell lingers still, and there are signs of flooding. So there was water, after all.

Leaving Anhilde further down the cliff, I creep into the back of the tunnel in the rock. There is nothing, not even bones.

Anhilde helps me scour the area all afternoon, but it has been months. If there were any tracks, they would be gone now.

Then, at the base of the cliff, we come across some scattered bones, larger than a sparrow's.

It might be my mother.

I may never know.

Anhilde gathers all the bones we can find, and arranges brushwood around them. Her face wet, she murmurs to me her intention.

I butt her paw with my head in agreement, unable to form coherent language.

Anhilde strikes her flints, and I call on my ember.

The flames bank higher and higher, and I cry my loss to the evening gloom.

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