The Grumpy x Sunshine Alphabet

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A = FFECTION [How affectionate are they? How do they show affection? Do they enjoy PDA?]
Before you, Bucky could not stand being touched, especially when it caught him off guard. Doing that was a great way to break a finger or two. He's since turned a new leaf and now only marginally hates when other people touch him.

He's warming up to PDA, but still prefers to show his affection behind closed doors. He can't quite admit it yet, but he finds himself actually enjoying holding hands with you, pressing kisses to your temple, protectively wrapping an arm around your waist. He could do without Sam's constant, dramatic, fake gags and bitter murmurings, "Gross".

And as for you, even as friends, you were very affectionate with Bucky. He wasn't used to it, to someone feeling so safe, so comfortable around him. People didn't usually try to approach him, much less actually touch him. Bucky's pretty sure he short circuited a little bit the first time you booped his nose.

And don't get him started on the first time you held his hand.

Now that he thinks about it, he can't be too sure that you didn't just Pavlov him into liking affection.

B = EAUTY [What is their favorite part of their partner. Body part, trait, anything?]
As cliche as it sounds, Bucky's favorite part of you is your smile. Something in brain stops working when he see your brilliant smile. He'd never in a million years admit it to anyone, but he's always looking for new ways to describe that damned smile. It's the kind of smile that could light up a room, the kind of smile that you just have to stop and look at, it's lyrical and melodic, it's a perfect smile. But mostly, he likes how genuine that smile is. There is no faking a smile like that. Whenever you smile, he knows it's real.

You, on the other hand, talk constantly about what you like about Bucky. The little wrinkles in the corner his eyes that only ever show when he smiles, the light freckles that dust his cheeks, you like the sound of his voice, the scruff on his jawline. But your favorite part of him is most definitely his eyes. You told him that the first time you met him. You felt like he just had to know how brilliant and breathtaking those blue eyes were. You look at those eyes and you know you're home.

C = OMFORT [How do they comfort their partner? Ex. after a panic attack or bad dream?]
Bucky likes to be held after a panic attack or a nightmare. He likes to listen to your heart rate, to your even breaths, to feel the gentle touch of your hand trailing up and down his spine, lulling him back to a calm state.

You like to be grounded. Whether that be in Bucky's secure embrace or listening to his voice guiding you back to yourself, you like to be reminded that you're safe, that you'll never go back to that dark place from before.

D = EVOTED [How devoted are they in a relationship?]
I think it's safe to say very devoted. For a very long while, Bucky thought that he would never be able to invite someone into his life in the way he invited you in. It was never a choice he made, not really. From the moment he met you, that was it. Love songs made sense. Love stories seemed plausible. Something clicked into place the day he met you. You had him mind, body, and soul.

It's definitely safe to say very devoted.

E = NDING [If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?]
After everything you two endured together, it would have to be something massive cause a break up. Like you Blipped and Bucky didn't - that sort of massive.

Infidelity is practically a cardinal sin to Bucky, and your attachment and abandonment issues make it pretty hard to be vulnerable and intimate the way you are with Bucky with just anyone. Growing apart or falling out of love seem so unlikely. Considering you've seen each other at your very best and very worst, you've truly become each other's partners in everything.

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