Battle of The Babysitter

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Originally Posted: 04/01/2023

Request from ValerieQ (normally, I gift these request fics but AO3 decided not to let me do that today, very sorry): "Awesome!So sunshine is babysitting this 8yr old boy. (her and bucky arent dating yet.) and the little boy has a massive crush on sunshine(she thinks its funny.) one day she brings bucky along while shes babysittg and let me tell you. this child hates bucky witha burning passion. not cuz the kid knows who the winter soldier is. but because the boy likes sunshine. t the end of the day poor bucky is half full of rage cuz whenever mc's back is turned, this CHILD is MAKING FUN OF HIM. And when confronted about it bucky accidentally lets it slip that he likes sunshime."

"Okay, you can do this, you can do this," Bucky chants under his breath. "It'll be fine, you can do this. Just ask. You can do this."

Today was the perfect day, Bucky reminded himself.

If he didn't do this now, he never would. He could barely remember the last time the two of you both had an entire day off together.

Actually, he could.

It was seven weeks ago.

And he chickened out then too.

He swore it was probably easier to get all the planets and stars to align than it was for your missions and assignments to coincide. He had to wait for almost two months before everything lined up all over again, and now, he had to do it.

He'd seen firsthand how other agents used their best pick up lines on you, their most obscenely flirtatious banter, it really was only a matter of time before someone captivated you like you captivated him.

It solidified his resolve. After all, there was no time like the present.

You were just sitting there in the common room, tying a ribbon around a perfectly wrapped gift box.

Bucky briefly worried that he accidentally missed someone's birthday, but he shakes off the concern knowing that you would tell him something like that.

You were always so considerate of him, even if you were slightly oblivious to the massive crush he'd been harboring. And you were good friends, so he wasn't sure why he couldn't summon the nerve to move his feet from where they were cemented on the tiled floor.

"James?" you call, looking up at him with a quirked eyebrow. "You're lurking again."

It was a little joke between the team, that Bucky just lurked around the entrances of rooms, crowds of people, any social gathering really. The first time Sam made the joke in front of you, you made it your job to not let Bucky lurk.

Sometimes by standing with him. Sometimes by grabbing his hand and bringing him into the conversation.

He feels a slight blush warm his cheeks at the thought of how kind and warm you were to him. His crush was clearly getting out of hand, which was another reason he just needed to gather the nerve to just ask you out.

He rolls his eyes, a humorous scoff leaving his mouth, "I'm not lurking."

"Don't worry, you didn't miss anyone's birthday."

He sighs in relief, "Good, Sam gave me so much shit last time."

You chuckle, finishing the bow on the gift box. "So what's wrong?"


"You only lurk when something's bothering you."

"I wasn't- " he stops mid-sentence, figuring that now was as good of a time as any. "I actually just - I wanted to know if you had plans today? I thought maybe we could - Like the two of us. Together. Did I say today already? I feel like I should say today-"

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