The Aquarium

567 17 7

Originally Posted: 01/29/2022

"Have you even seen a fish before?"

"Of course I have!"

"Name one time."

"Finding Nemo, duh."

"I meant in real life," Sam huffs.

"Oh," you frown momentarily before turning away from Sam, who's standing in your doorway begging you to let him tag-along on your date today. "Either way, James' taking me to the aquarium, and he specifically said that you weren't invited."

"What part of your assigned handler do you two not understand?"

"Umm... the part where you've left us alone many times before- the only difference now is that you want to come with us."

"Well, what if something happens? You accidentally break the glass in a moment of culture shock? Or Bucky touches the glass with his metal hand and he breaks the glass? Huh? Then what?"

"Do all your disaster scenarios involve the glass breaking, Sam?"

"Yes," he nods definitely. "And maybe John showing up."

"John's not going to show up and I'll make sure that me and James are extra super-duper careful with the glass, promise! But you can't come!"

Sam dramatically groans, throwing himself face up on your bed. "You're only saying that because Bucky did. Is this how it's going to be now? You and Bucky. And Sam."

"Of course not! James just wants one night with just the two of us. I promise you'll go on our next date."

"Fine, but I'm picking where we go," he huffs again.

"You've got yourself a deal. Now which one?" you ask, holding up your only two dresses.

"The one with the flowers," Sam replies confidently. You look at both dresses one last time, agreeing with Sam's choice and walking to your closet to change. You're almost done getting ready when Bucky joins you and Sam in your room.

"Hello, beautiful," he winks at you, lightly pecking your lips. "Hello, man in my girlfriend's bed."

"So it's girlfriend now, huh?" Sam teases, sitting propped up on your many decorative pillows, hands tucked behind his head.

"And this is why you aren't invited!" Bucky smugly remarks.

"Fine," Sam sighs dramatically. "Leave me here- all alone. All by myself."

"Great, bye!" Bucky calls, grabbing your hand and walking the two of you out of your room.

"Bye, Sam!" you call as Bucky drags you out of your room.

"You're gonna miss me!" Sam shouts, getting up to follow the two of you.

And as Bucky and Sam are about to start arguing about why Sam's not allowed to join you two, the doorbell rings.

"Great," Bucky groans. "Who could that be?"

You shrug, walking over to the door. "I don't know."

And when you open the door, it looks like one of Sam's disaster scenarios has come to fruition. Because unfortunately, John Walker is standing in your doorway. "John," you awkwardly smile, keeping the door only open halfway. "What are you doing here?

He pushes the door the rest of the way open. "I had it on good authority that you weren't on any missions today- I thought maybe we could spend some time together."

"All three of us?" Bucky asks from behind the door, Sam now standing on the stairs.

John sighs in vague disappointment. "Sure, why not?"

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