Getting To Know Them

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Originally Posted: 02/08/2022

Who is the one who yells to their partner from one room and the other one repeatedly yells 'what' from another?

It's you- you're the one that yells 'what' over and over again. Bucky has super soldier hearing, and depending on what the other person is doing, usually Bucky's the one that just goes to the other room to tell you whatever he needs to tell you. But there are definitely times when he waits to hear your sigh of defeat when you just decide to leave the room you're in to go find out what's going on.

Who shops for groceries?

The two of you do it together. You tend to just aimlessly walk through the store, grabbing things that you feel like with very little rhyme or reason. Bucky, your human impulse control, is the only thing stopping you from buying the entire cereal aisle. And you're the only thing stopping Bucky from exclusively eating take-out with the occasional plum.

Who likes to make the other food?

Bucky's not good at cooking. You try to be nice about it, but his cooking skills were clearly left in the 40's when all food used to be boiled. You've currently banned him from being in the kitchen after a well-intentioned date night dinner almost burned down your kitchen. What can he say, he didn't know that an oil fire couldn't be put out with water.

Who would accidentally set the kitchen on fire while cooking while cooking?

Again, there's a reason you do most of the cooking. Bucky's been banned from the kitchen until further notice and you have no intention of lifting that ban any time soon.

Who eats the other's uneaten pizza crusts?

Bucky. Plain and simple.

How do they handle planes rides together?

You handing Bucky a parachute even though he insists that he doesn't need one.

How do they express their feelings?

You're an overly affectionate person, you hang all over people unless they explicitly tell you to stop or that it makes them uncomfortable. Most of the time Bucky's cool with that, because he knows that's how you present yourself to other people. What sets him aside is that you tell him about your past, you allow yourself to have a full range of feelings in front of him.

And Bucky's, he's more the silent acts of service kind of guy. He'll order your favorite food when you don't feel like cooking, or when you're upset and he buys you little knick-knacks that remind him of you. In public, he's pretty cold, he lets you hold his hand and jump all over him, but you have to work at coaxing a smile out of him. In private, he's got no problem demanding that you cuddle with him or shower him in affection.

Who kills the spiders?

You don't let Bucky kill spiders. You don't like them, you don't want them in your house, but you refuse to let him kill them. The first time you told him that, he promptly reminded you that you were living with a former assassin. You were not swayed. Instead, you make him take them outside. He doesn't have the heart to tell you that they'd probably just make their way back inside.

Who has a hobby only the other one knows about?

Bucky's taken up knitting with you. You're not allowed to tell Sam- or Steve.

Who takes playful pictures of the other while they aren't looking?

Bucky's great at candids, not that anyone would ever know that. His lock screen is a picture of you staring out the window, a picture no one else has ever seen considering he's a real stickler about other people, excluding you, looking at his phone. Since he's upgraded to a smartphone, he's constantly taking picture of you when you're not looking. You've got an inclination to real pictures, you've got a whole wall of Polaroids to prove it, but it's kind of hard to take one without Bucky noticing.

Where do they like to go on 3AM adventures?

Nowhere! Like the real old man he is, Bucky's always saying that nothing good ever happens after midnight, and if he can help it you two won't be out wandering the street at night. If the two of you are up that late, you're watching movies, playing board games and on one occasion building an elaborate fort with all the blankets and pillows you found in the house.

Who would accidentally become a meme?

Is it an accident if Sam posts his memes of Bucky on Twitter himself?

Who worries about what they will look like when they get older?

The two of you are more live in the moment people, but on the occasion that you do think about your future with Bucky, you revel in growing old with him, in the feeling of being your average domestic couple. Bucky's less concerned about what he looks like as he gets older, and more about you suddenly realizing his past is more than what you can tolerate. On a lighter note, Sam's the one that introduced the two of you to skin care. Bucky's definitely caught you and Sam both sitting on the couch with face masks on.

Who hogs the blanket?

Bucky's a tall guy, he can't help it sometimes especially considering you've only got one of those small throw blankets on the couch. You're perfectly content with lying on his chest when he does though. Sam suggested that the two of you just get another blanket, to which Bucky vehemently objected.

Who is more likely to cry over a sad book or movie?

You're the one that usually needs a box of tissues. And though Bucky will deny it for the rest of his life, you've definitely caught him shedding a tear or two at The Notebook.

Who talks smack while playing video games?

Surprisingly, you. The first time you beat Sam in Mario Kart, you stood on the couch, jumping up and down celebrating your victory while Sam grumbled on about how it was just luck. Bucky fell in love with you just a little bit more that day.

Who sings along with the radio?

Again, you, but you haven't missed Bucky mouthing the words and nodding his head to your favorite songs.

What would their song to each other be?

For you, I mean Taylor Swift anyone? Daylight, Lover, New Year's Day, Cornelia Street, Paper Rings...The list could go on and on.

For Bucky, Say You Won't Let Go, Can't Help Falling in Love, At Last... He thinks the best love songs are the ones that make him want to slow dance with you in the living room, and he does- constantly.

How did they know that they were right for each other?

Since you two got together, Bucky swears that it was love at first sight, loving you from the very moment you put that flower in his hand, but you're convinced that he hated, or at the very least strongly disliked, you for a long time. For you, you were sure that he was it for you when he accidentally blurted that he loved you for the first time in the middle of yelling at you for being reckless on a mission.

Who proposes?

We'll find out soon. *wink wink*

The Grumpy Sunshine SeriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora