The First Birthday

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Originally Posted: 07/05/2022

1 Week Before Your Birthday

"Aww..." Nat and Wanda coo in tandem. "He did all that for a birthday?"

Bucky's face drops, hearing Sam's embarrassing recollection as he walks into the room. "Sam, I told you to stop telling people that. They're going to think I care. Or worse that I have feelings."

"Oh, I'm never looking at you the same," Sam smugly continues. "He stayed up all night. Combed through files all by himself. Steve and I didn't help until we found him at like 3AM."

"What were you and Steve doing up together at 3 AM, Sam?" Bucky counters, turning his head in insinuation.

"You guys," Nat teases, putting her arm around Sam's shoulder as Wanda's lips pull in to contain her cheeky grin. "So cute!"

Sam wrenches his shoulder out from under Nat's arm, eyes narrowing in accusation. "You know that we were playing games on the big TV. You know that so why do you say it like that?"

Bucky shrugs, feigning innocence. "All I'm saying is no one can corroborate that story."

"Okay, can we get back to the birthday thing?" Wanda interjects. "I can't get over that."

"I can't believe Bucky has feelings," Nat mutters.

"I don't," Bucky immediately objects.

"And he's thoughtful!" Wanda adds.

"No, I'm not. I'm mean and crass and grumpy-"

"James?" you call, from just outside the room.

"Yes, Doll," he chirps. "I mean, what?"

"You're so silly," you chuckle, walking into the room. "I'm heading out. Tony has me on like three different missions this week, so I probably won't see you until next week."

"Next week?" Bucky quietly whines, though he knows exactly why your schedule was completely overbooked. "That sucks."

"I know, but I'll call you when I can."



"Okay," he sighs, gently kissing you. He pulls away after a moment, leaning his forehead against yours. "Please be careful."

"Always," you promise.

"Love you," he say, still holding your hand as you start to walk away.

You chuckle as he maintains a hold on your hand even as you pull away. "Love you too."

"Miss you," he calls after you.

"Oh yeah, a real macho man," Sam teases, jutting his thumb in Bucky's direction.

To which Bucky only responds with a sharp elbow into Sam's stomach.

"Now, if you're done being an ass. Is everyone clear on what they're doing?" Bucky asks, his kind, warm demeanor dropping the second you're out of earshot.

"And...he's back," Sam huffs.

"So you're not done being an ass?" Bucky sighs.

"Can we focus, please? Bucky, you were delegating," Nat prompts.

"Ordering," Sam corrects.

"Right," Bucky states with a commanding nod. "Sam, you've got decorations. Wanda, you've got food and drinks. Tony's already invited everyone and is keeping her on missions all week. Steve's one job is to not blow the secret. And Natasha... don't let them mess this up."

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