The First Anniversary

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Originally Posted: 12/27/2022

Bucky stops at the door, taking a large gulp of air as he tries to rid himself of all self-doubt and nerves for the occasion.

But in his defense, it was a pretty big occasion.

It was your very first anniversary. The first of what he could only hope would be a lifetime's worth of anniversaries together.

And that meant this one would set a tone for the one's that followed, or so Bucky worried, which meant this one had to be perfect.

And that started with him being up first thing in the morning, slowly prying himself out of your warm embrace, quietly creeping out of bed, and getting straight to work.

Then borrowing Sam's car, he even made sure to ask Sam before he took the car, an act that flabbergasted the both of them.

And then going to a florist that Tony Stark himself recommended, which meant it was a very expensive florist, but he didn't care, because he was determined to make this day perfect. And when the florist handed him a bouquet of sunflowers and roses that almost took his breath away, he knew you would absolutely love them.

He didn't even care that you could probably grow a bouquet like this from your own hands, it was about the gesture, it was the thought that counted. Or, so he hoped. He even buckled the bouquet into the passenger seat to make sure that they stayed absolutely perfect.

Then he swung by your favorite little bakery, picking up a box of all your favorite things.

By the time he was done, it was almost 10:30, and he knew you'd slowly begin stirring awake sometime within the next half hour. He hightailed it back to the Compound, ignoring everyone and everything else, he went straight to your room.

And now, he was standing there, preparing himself to make this the best anniversary he possibly could.

With one last deep breath, he strode into the room, box and bouquet in hand. You were barely sitting up on the bed when you looked at him strangely, "I was wondering where you went."

He laid his jacket across the couch, removing his jacket before making his way to the bed. "I got a little something for my best girl."

"Aww...they're beautiful, thank you," you coo as Bucky presents the bouquet of sunflowers and roses to you. You swing your legs closer to the center of the bed to allow Bucky to sit on the edge. You gently caress his cheek, "You're so sweet, but what's the occasion?"

He looks at you strangely for a moment, his warm smile turning into a mischievous grin as his jaw quite literally drops. "Oh my God, you forgot!"

Your eyebrows furrow as your head twists slightly, "Forgot what?"

His face brightens with mischievous amusement and he repeats, "You forgot."

"No, I didn't," you defensively scoff, though you don't offer a response to what it is he thinks you actually forgot.

"What's today?" he questions.

You wince. "Tuesday?"

"I cannot believe you forgot," he chuckles, looking oddly triumphant at your lack of remembrance.

"Well," you stall, trying to figure out your best defense. "I- um...I spent my life in captivity, and I don't understand the importance of-"

"You already used the captivity card this week. Can't use it twice," Bucky reminds you.

"Did I?"

"So you didn't have to get out of bed yesterday."

"Dang bad."

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