The Bake Sale (Part 2)

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Originally Posted: 08/09/2022

"I could fit in there," you decide.

"Probably," Bucky shrugs, the three of you looking at an open locker in the vacant hallway of Peter's school. "Steve used to get shoved into lockers all the time."

"They had lockers in 'ye olden days?" Sam snickers.

"Doesn't that joke ever get old?" Bucky retorts.

"The only old thing here is you," Sam easily quips.

You place a hand over your mouth to smother the audible chuckle that accidentally escapes your mouth. Bucky's eyes accusingly narrow at you. "Really, you too?"

"Sorry," you apologize, grabbing his arm and putting it over your shoulders. "You sorta walked right into that one."

"You're lucky I like you," he sighs, kissing your temple. He turns back to Sam with a glare, "You? Not so much."

"You don't just like me," you continue teasing, now walking down to the large multi-purpose room at the end of the hall. "You love me."

"Yeah," he sighs again. "It's unfortunate, really. Met the love of my life, sure, but now I'm stuck with him for the rest of my life."

"As long as you know you're stuck with us," Sam laughs, clapping a hand on both your and Bucky's shoulder.

"Am I the only person that smells that?" you cringe, wrinkling your nose as you walk down the hall.

"Nope. It's what every high school in America smells like," Sam chuckles. "Puberty and Axe body spray."

You open your mouth to ask Sam, but with the odor still filling your nostrils, you're not sure you want to know.

"Now this," Sam claps with a mischievous glint in his eye, the three of you finally standing at the double doors of cafeteria. You internally groan, recalling Sam's suspicious eagerness to come and support Peter's bake sale. Bucky scoffed, reminding him that they were Avengers, not exactly the most low-profile people so going would probably do more harm than good. Sam waved him off, telling him that's what hats were for. So here the three of you stood, in front of the lunchroom, both Bucky's and Sam's hats pulled low as you watched the bake sale take place. "This is where I get my revenge."

"No," you chide with a light slap to Sam's shoulder. "We're here to support."

"Obstacles build endurance," Sam retorts, just about to pull the cafeteria door open when you stop him again.

"You promised you two would behave. I've got powers and I'm not afraid to use them," you threaten.

"Because powers is so low-profile," Sam taunts.

You tilt your head at Sam, "You really want to find out?"

"Alright, alright," Sam concedes, putting his hands up in concession. "I'll behave."

"I haven't said a word," Bucky says, also holding his hands up in innocence.

"Good," you nod, finally allowing Sam to open the door.

An overwhelming smell of baked goods and the sweet smell of unknown confections fills your nose as you walk into the cafeteria. Long tables are set up around the perimeter of the room which is packed enough that your entrance thankfully doesn't call any attention to the three of you.

You, Bucky, and Sam slowly stroll in scanning the room as you start walking following the flow of the tables set up.

No one pays you any attention and for a moment you think that maybe Sam and Bucky really did just want to be nice and support Peter's school.

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