Cat's Cradle

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Originally Posted: 02/05/2022

"Alright, team. We're just waiting on the other two and we'll get started," Tony announces, though you're barely listening.

"Okay," you mumble, still more focused on your game. "Bucky," you call and without even looking at you, he sticks his fingers out to help you.

"Thanks," you mumble again, looping his fingers around the makeshift thread.

"Who taught her this?" Tony asks, gesturing to the Cat's Cradle game you've started.

Before anyone can take the blame, FRIDAY is announcing the arrival of the two Asgardians. You're sitting closest to the door when both Thor and Loki walk in.

"If it isn't my favorite Midgardians," Thor says, his voice booming through the conference room. He steps up behind you and ruffles your hair. You wrinkle your nose and push your head up into his hand. "Hi, Thor."

"Hi, Loki," you exclaim, though you still haven't turned around to look at either of them.

"What exactly is she doing?" Loki asks the room.

"Cat's Cradle," you answer.

"Hah, but where's the cat?" Thor interrupts.

"There's not a cat. It's a game," Bucky grunts, his fingers still intertwined in the thread.

"What's the objective of this game?" Thor continues.

"I'm not explaining this again," Bucky mumbles.

"So you're responsible for this!" Tony exclaims, gesturing to the way you've tangled both yourself and Bucky.

"And done!" you announce, showing off the pattern you made and pecking Bucky on the lips to thank him, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Bucky smiles at you.

"Hold on, the two of you?" Loki interrupts, looking around the room to see if anyone else finds this pairing strange.

Bucky's head snaps away from you and all evidence of the warm smile is gone when he glares at Loki. "Is there a problem with that?"

"I think what my brother is trying to say is that it's...unexpected. You and Rainbow Sunshine over there," Thor says, gesturing over to you, who's starting a new pattern already.

"Me and Steve did not spend all that time playing Cupid for anyone to have a problem with the two of them," Sam huffs, crossing his arms. "You should be thanking us- Bucky's way nicer now."

"Bucky was nice before," you interject.

"Yeah, that was only to you," Wanda corrects.

Tony stands up, directing all attention to the head of the table. "You know as thrilling as talking about Barnes' relationship, I have a better use of our time."

"Yes, thank you, Tony. Back to the meeting," Steve impatiently nods, ready to start the meeting that was supposed to start half an hour ago.

"Hold on, Cap," Tony interjects. "Before we get to the boring stuff, I have a hypothetical. Pinky pie, Wanda, and Loki, who would win?"

"I would," Thor proudly declares.

"You're not in this," Tony dismissively sighs. "Just the three of them."

"I wouldn't fight them- they're my friends," you reply, looping a thread around your fingers again. You sigh in defeat as you realize you've messed up your pattern again, and Bucky affectionately sighs before fixing it for you once more.

"As nice as that is- you don't actually have to fight them," he sighs. "It's not actually going to happen. Just think about it for a second."

"Okay," you shrug, still more focused on your game.

"Well, it's quite obvious that I would win," Loki boasts, pridefully crossing his arms and sitting further up in his seat.

"I actually don't think it's that obvious, especially considering I'm probably one of the most powerful people in this room. Not to brag or anything," Wanda confidently remarks.

"I think she would win," Bucky says, nudging his head to you.

"You think...she could beat me?" Loki says, looking at the way you've just tangled your fingers again. And the way your shoes are completely unlaced, so you could play this game. "Just look at her."

"I could just set the two of you on fire," you offhandedly remark. And other than Steve practically spitting out his water, the room goes silent as everyone turns to watch you. You look up after a second to find out what's got everyone so quiet. "What? What did I say?"

"Good Lord," Sam mumbles, finally breaking the silence.

"Yeah, I think you and Barnes need to break up," Tony says, gesturing to the two of you.

"Wait, why?" you whine.

"He can't actually make us break up, Doll," Bucky assures you, gently stroking your arm.

"Right," you nod.

"I think I've made friends with the wrong mortals," Loki says, popping up in the other open seat next to you. "Hello, little one," he purrs, winking at you.

"Move before I move you," Bucky barks, watching the way Loki's leaning into you.

"I've got 20 bucks on Loki," Steve whispers to Sam.

"I'll take that," Sam wryly whispers back. "No way she lets Loki touch him."

"You two know that I can hear you?" Bucky hisses to his two friends.

"No need to be jealous, James," you say, leaning further into his shoulder. "But Sam's right- I'd protect you," you tease.

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