5+1 Things (Flirting Edition)

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Originally Posted: 05/20/2022

His first unsuccessful flirting attempt was probably his own fault. Too ambiguous and terrible timing. He'd have to remember that for next time.

"You looked good out there," Bucky compliments as the two of you walk down the ramp of the Quinjet after a successful mission.

"Thank you!" you gleam. "All that training's finally paying off, isn't it?"

"That's not-"

"I'm glad I listened, you know? Not relying on powers and everything. That was some good advice, thanks!"

The second time was also, probably, mostly Bucky's fault. Or more accurately, it was both Sam and Bucky's fault.

Sam's for telling him the stupid, corny pickup line and Bucky for thinking that it would actually work. This, plus what was quickly becoming his signature: terrible timing. He'd duly note better timing for his next attempt at flirting.

"You alright?" he asks, extending a hand to help you off the ground after a rocky parachute landing.

You take his hand and stand with ease. "Yeah."

"I guess you've had worse falls than that," he awkwardly adds, helping you unclip the used chute. "Like when you fell from heaven."

"What?" you exhale, still dusting yourself off.

"I said when you-" but his words are almost entirely drowned out by the loud noises in the surrounding area. When he thought about this little plan, he didn't account for the fact that you two were going to be surrounded by open fire.

And that was probably his fault considering it was a field mission and whatnot.

The third and fourth time could in no way be blamed on Bucky.


"Fancy seeing you here," he chuckles, walking into the training room to see you rolling up your mat.

"Hey!" you greet, an excitement in your voice makes Bucky the slightest bit more hopeful.

You pick up the rolled up mat from the floor and place it in the corner of the room, returning to where Bucky awkwardly stands in the room. "So, you, uh, you come here often?"

"To the training room?" you ask, a humorous grin pulling at the corner of your mouth.

"What I meant was- finishing up or just starting?"

"Oh," you nod. "Just finishing up."

"Well, if you ever need any help." You open your mouth to respond, but Bucky is quickly amending his statement before you can squeeze in a word, "Not that you need help, of course! But if you want- I could- we could do it together. Not it. But train-"

"Are you okay?" you ask, placing your hand on his arm and effectively cutting off his rambling tangent.

He nods, a pained, cringe-filled expression on his face as he gives you a wordless thumbs up.

The fourth time, he tried to channel the side of him that most people saw. Stoic, grumpy, but an air of confidence that was intimidating to most. A side of him you hadn't seen in almost a year. Maybe that would finally catch your attention.

"This is a little embarrassing," you quip, a faint blush on your cheeks as you try to free yourself from the massive tangle you found yourself in.

It was an accident, mostly caused because someone didn't put away some large safety nets instead leaving them in the middle of the hangar. You'd been fighting to free yourself for only a few short moments when Bucky walked in to see you trying to get the large nets off of you.

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