Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

Is he angry with me?

Is it because I'm just a measly human?


I stared down at my lap, fiddling with my hands nervously while I waited for Doctor Wayne to come back into the room. This is my first time doing something alone and I feel incredibly anxious.

A small knock thudded against the wooden door and he walked in a moment after, smiling sadly at me, then closing the door behind him, "I received results, and it appears the only issue you still somehow seem to be battling is infertility, Luna," he said, his eyebrows scrunching in thought, "Alpha Axel's blood should have healed everything wrong in your body, even the impossible, as you can see," he signaled from my neck up, making me remember how I didn't have a voice nor half my sight prior to meeting them.

"What is that? Does it make me weaker?" I frowned. He said nothing as he analyzed me, his lips slowly falling into a frown as well, and he shook his head.

"No, it does not affect your strength. It means you cannot get pregnant," he replied, causing relief to fill me.

"Pregnancy is a disease! It'll take your life!"

"You know what pregnancy is, correct?"

I blinked, focusing my attention on him once again, "a disease," I answered confidently, though I became skeptical at his horror filled face.

He started choking, coughing wickedly and fanning himself with the clipboard in his hand. His face darkened in redness and he cleared his throat, adjusting his coat and widening his eyes as he cleared his throat again.

"Who told you that?" He asked, clearing his throat for the third time then looking down at his clipboard and adjusting his glasses, "actually, that doesn't matter, just know pregnancy is not a disease."

I tilted my head and frowned deeper, my relief wilting, and I watched him set down the board and take a seat in the chair, turning to face me after pulling out a strange picture from the drawer.

He rolled his chair over to sit across from me and turned the image to face me, "this is a photograph of a pregnant woman," he informed, signaling to the entire photo with his hand and I analyzed the woman holding her very smooth, protruding stomach with a nod. He continued by flipping the photo over to reveal a layered chart of inside the woman.

"This is pregnancy," he added, signaling to the baby curled fetal position inside the woman's stomach, "this is a possible outcome of having sex, which is where you and your partner create a life, making you parents to the child. It typically can only happen if you are fertile, otherwise your chances are very low."

I stared at the image, reaching down and placing my hand over my stomach with a burning, yet sharp, pain in my throat. It felt like my heart was ripped right off it's strings.

I wanted a child of my own someday.

"I'm sorry, Luna," he frowned upon seeing my reaction, sliding over and putting the image back in the drawer, then coming over and placing his hand on my knee, "if his blood couldn't change it, I'm afraid there is nothing I can do."

I guess it's for the best. I'd just be an unfit mother, too.

"Is this what you were talking to Axel about a few days ago?" I frowned, looking down at my hands and clenching my jaw in frustration as I furrowed my eyebrows, "he needs someone who can have children... doesn't he?"

He was quiet for a second, releasing a small sigh, "it's not necessary, but it's certainly advised. As Alpha, it's very important that he has at least one biological child for the sake of the pack if none of its future members qualify to take over after he steps down. It's a fall through plan we haven't had to use yet, but we like to be prepared because having an Alpha is required."

His Abused Mute LunaWhere stories live. Discover now