Chapter 40

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Tender love

It had been a few days since you started living at Namjoon's place.
You hadn't received any message or phone calls from Jungkook yet and you were starting to worry.

You weren't aware that he was busy following Jimin around in hopes to get some information on Taehyung.

Sohee had been distant and cold since that night. Every time you tried striking up a conversation with her, she just ignored you and avoided speaking to you.

Did you do something wrong? You wondered.

She was too happy when you arrived and suddenly she was completely ignoring your presence.

On the other hand, things between you and Namjoon was going quite well. Too well, to be precise.

Ever since you had moved in, you saw the soft side of him more often, which made you fall for him, even harder.

He spared no effort in making you feel at home. He took great care of you and sometimes it made you question if he was doing all of it just because you were his employee or there was more to it.

Ofcourse, there was more to it.
Namjoon loved having you around. A void in his life had been filled.
Sohee was the only reason for his smile until you showed up.

He stayed up late just to give you company and help you with your work.
Even after that daring move you made the other night which was an impulsive mistake according to you, he didn't get distant. He had actually gotten closer to you.

But you both never talked about that night. It was like you both had made an unspoken agreement to not talk about it.

And you loved that he didn't bring it up either, cause if he did, you would surely dig a hole and bury yourself in it out of sheer embarrassment and shame.

You both went to the office together, left for home together. Everyone was starting to notice that you were Namjoon's favourite employee, or maybe more than that? But they hadn't started to talk yet, or at least you directly had not heard anything yet. However, the speculations were implied in the looks that followed you and Namjoon.
You didn't mind. Namjoon didn't care.

He was too nice towards you.
He made sure you had everything and were completely comfortable. He had also decreased your workload.

You, sometimes, almost forgot that he was your boss and things need to be professional between you both. That formality was long gone for both you and him.

The maid who took care of Sohee when Namjoon was away was currently on leave for a few days to go visit her daughter. She cooked all the meals and was basically in charge of housekeeping.
But because she was away, Namjoon had to lead things in the kitchen. He was trying, at least. So A+ for efforts.

It was a treat to watch him struggle every night to make a mere omlette or toast for Sohee. Every time you walked into the kitchen, you witnessed an epic mess and you couldn't help but laugh.
And he'd look at you with puppy eyes, his lips pouty and you'd coo at him for being a cute mess and then offer to help and he'd always gladly accept.

And right now was the same too. You entered the kitchen only to find a confused Namjoon, standing there with a recipe book in his one hand and trying to figure out what ingredient to add next with the other.

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