Chapter 14

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Not the one

You were brewing yourself some coffee, thinking about everything that had been happening in your life. You felt like you had been chosen to be the damned one for eternity. Nothing else can explain whatever was going on, right?

"What are you doing, love?" Taehyung said, hugging you from behind, pulling you out of your thoughts.

"Just making some coffee." You said.

Taehyung did make your life a little better. He was being awfully nice and had been the shoulder you cried on. But no matter how many times you asked yourself if you loved him, the answer had always been no. You were glad he wasn't forcing you into anything serious. You were thankful he understood and respected your decision.

But in Taehyung's head, this was already a relationship. He was slowly but surely instilling himself into all parts of your life. He knew you'd start depending on him for anything and everything. He'll make himself your habit to the point you won't be able to do anything without him.

Thinking about how he was getting closer to you with each passing day, he hummed a sweet song as he kissed the back of your neck.

"I couldn't even see him once." You trailed off.

"Do you want to?" Taehyung asked.

"I don't know. I shouldn't."

"But do you want to?"

"Yes." You sobbed.

"Then we'll go to his funeral." Taehyung said.

"But how? I'm sure they won't want me there."

"I think they'll want you there, love. Let's wait and see, okay?" He said, turning you towards him and kissing your forehead.
You hugged him tight and sighed as you nodded.

Jina was deep in thought when her front door creaked open. She was relieved to see Jungkook walking in.

"Why you getting scared?" Jungkook asked, placing the snacks he had brought on the kitchen panel.

"It's nothing." Jina sighed, shaking her head.

"How's Y/n holding up?" Jungkook asked.

"Not that good. I can't even talk to her, that Taehyung is always around." Jina complained.

"Babe, they're dating. Of course he'll be around." Jungkook said taking his jacket off.

Jungkook ran towards Jina to calm her down.
"Hey! What's going on? Please tell me." He said holding on to Jina's shoulder.

"No I won't tell you. You won't believe me anyway." She said. "I'm sorry for shouting." Jungkook hugged her tight.

"It's okay, baby. You can tell me."

"I'll tell you when I'm sure of it." Jina said as she buried her head into Jungkook's chest. Upon inhaling his scent she instantly relaxed.

"You can tell me whenever you want to." Jungkook said placing a kiss on top of her head. "I love you so much." He whispered.

"I love you too."


A few months had passed since the death of your father and Hobi.
You had attended your father's funeral as well. You were quite shocked when your step-mother called and requested you to attend his funeral and Taehyung accompanied like he always did. How could he not? He was the one who pulled the strings and blackmailed your step-mother to welcome you to the funeral.
It was almost like you and him were in a live-in relationship, minus the commitment of course. No, you weren't seeing anyone else but you also didn't want to commit to him.
He would whisper sweet words of love while lulling you to sleep every night. He would say "I love you" every now and then, but you never said it back, because your heart never skipped a beat when he said those words to you. You just liked how he took care of you and how you had someone with you all the time, how you weren't feeling lonely anymore. Sometimes you felt like you were using him, but you had grown addicted to him and how he treated you, both romantically and sexually. It was like he had studied your heart and body bit by bit.
So you didn't think there was any harm to keep him around, but you knew he was not the one.

But at the same time, Jina had been growing distant from you, she would avoid your calls, dodge saying 'Hi' to you when you both would cross path in the parking lot. You hadn't lingered much on the thought, thinking she may have been busy.

But you decided to confront her. It was a Sunday, Taehyung was out for some work but you knew Jina would surely be home.
You went down to her floor and rung her door bell.
She opened the door and you could sense the awkwardness between you two.

"Can I come in?" You asked.

"Yeah. Sure." Jina said, letting you through.

"So what's up?" You asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"What?" She asked, still avoiding you.

"Seriously, Jina? Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something?" You asked as she continued doing her chores.
"Jina, for God's sake. Stop behaving like a kid and tell me what's wrong."

"I'm behaving like a kid? Are you crazy, Y/n?" Jina said, shoving the unwashed plates down the sink.
"You are behaving like one not me." You knew your best friend didn't get angry easily, but when she did, you knew better to not enrage her further.
"You are still with him and I can't stand here and watch you get ruined." She said as she continued to do the dishes.

"You're talking about Tae?"

"Have you ever thought how he's taking up your space, how he's always there around you, making you dependant on him?" She added.

"But isn't that a nice thing?" You replied and Jina was shocked. "Isn't it nice to have someone around you who loves you, takes care of you. For once I feel like I have a shoulder to lean on and depend on, like you have Jungkook. Is that so bad? Do I not deserve it?" You said, holding your tears from falling.

"Y/n, you don't understand. He's toxic." Jina tried to explain but you stopped her.

"No, Jina. I don't want your opinion on this. I understand you're my best friend but I'll date whoever I want. I hope you can respect that." You said, adamantly. "I hope you can accept the fact that I'm dating Taehyung and you'll be seeing him around. You can either get used to it or not, that's your choice." You said and turned to leave.

"DO YOU LOVE HIM, Y/N?" Jina shouted as you were leaving, your footsteps came to a halt for a second, but you didn't answer her and walked out of there.

You didn't love him. But you needed him.


A/N: I've tried showing Y/n's toxic side in this chapter.
Also, which chapter is your favorite so far?
Do let me know, lovelies.

And thanks to all the readers who have been reading this book consistently. The book just ranked #1 in btssmuts and I'm so happy. I love you all.

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