Chapter 30

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"I'm really sorry." You said, putting up a professional front.

It was already bad enough that he had seen you crying like a crazy person and you had also misbehaved with him.

Should you tell him that he's your boss or not?

"Sorry for what?" He asked, slightly confused.

"Sorry for misbehaving and acting that way at first." You added.

"Woah, hey, it's okay. We all have bad days. It's good to cry it out. No need to apologize." He said, chuckling.
"Also, it's not like I'm your boss or anything. It's okay." He added.

You just looked at him when you heard this, biting your lower lip as you fidgeted with your fingers.

And he immediately noticed.

"Don't tell me- I am your boss?" He asked.

You simply nodded.

"Oh." He said, getting into his thoughts. He didn't speak for a while.
"It's best if we keep it professional then." The air around you suddenly grew tense and that comforting energy was completely gone. His face had turned stoic.

"Yes, sir." You immediately replied as his dominating energy took over the space.

"It was nice meeting you, Ms. Park. I should get going now. I don't want to be late." He said, getting up. "You can take your time. Come upstairs when you feel better."

"Thank you, sir." You got up and bowed to him as he left, leaving you there.

You couldn't believe this was the same man who offered hot chocolate to you just a while ago.

And something told you, he's gonna be strict. He's gonna be very strict.

You had no option other than dealing with it.

Pulling yourself together, you went upstairs.
You would be lying to yourself if you didn't admit that you had developed a little crush on him, but you had no intention of acting on it.

He was your boss after all.

Not long after you walked into your cubicle, you heard a knock on the door.

"Yes? Come in." You said.

"Umm, boss wants all team leaders in the conference room, right now." It was your coworker, Mingyu.

"Oh. Okay. I'll be right there."

You quickly grabbed your notepad and pen just in case you needed to take note of anything important and also your phone.

You walked towards the conference room and slipped into a seat and sighed in relief as you noticed that your boss wasn't there yet.

Mingyu took the seat next to you.

"How are you holding up?" He asked, trying to strike a conversation.

"I-" before you could reply, everyone in the room stood up to welcome their new boss in and so did you.

"Good morning, everyone." He said, walking towards his seat.
"Please sit." He instructed. "I'm Kim Namjoon. Please take turns and introduce yourselves." He said, smiling a little.

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