|you deserve the best...so me|

Start from the beginning

Twas why it was no surprise that after Perseus awakened, she took advantage of his weakened and disorientated state. The boy probably did not even know what was happening, especially what she did when he took his rest. But they saw it. The marks she would leave upon his skin, skillfully giving him nectar before he could bear witness to them himself. The way she never hesitated to climb atop of him, utilizing her mageia to stimulate him so that she may use him for her own pleasure.

And when they could take it no more, Hḗphaistos went in to break the illusion that she brought herself.

The boy looked much too like his sister for Hermês comfort and after these two years pursuing Lea, Hermês considered him as close as a friend that a mortal could be to a god. So be as it may, the next time that he ventured towards that Isle, he hoped that Perseus would have lived a long life filled with glory and children and a legacy that would span eons.

And he would laugh in her face when she realized that he was not appearing to lay within a soft meadow and among spring flowers once more in a beautiful bout of passionate mutual hatred.

Truthfully, thinking of her assaults towards him made him wonder of Lea even more though he knew that her Father would coat the world in blood before he allowed any to get near her.

He just wished that he could see her himself, dammit!

He just wished that he could see her himself, dammit!

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Lea was not having a good time.

She had awakened in an unfamiliar place surrounded by unfamiliar people.

It was like waking up at Camp Half Blood all over again well except the accommodations were nicer.

She was lying on a bed made of silky woven kelp, in a room paneled with abalone shell. Glowing pearls the size of basketballs floated around the ceiling, providing light.

She must've woken up several times, but the pull of her mageia was strong that she was lost to its current. She drifted within a psychedelic glow of luminous colors covered in an almost blanket like wave of green-gold mageia. Once she had awakened, she saw a man with glowing green eyes hovering over her, concern on his face as he brushed the hair away from her face.

"Who," Lea managed to croak.

"Rest well, my child," he murmured, and the currents pulled her back under.

The next time Lea woke up, the man was gone. In the corner of the room, Lea had a sense that she knew the two people; one female and one male that sat on either side of her. She couldn't name them though, and she fell back asleep once more.

And that led her to now, blinking tired green eyes awake; alone in a room that was not her own. She sat up slowly, trying to ignore the throbbing in her head. Her feet were bare, and she had once more been changed into clothing that looked as if she had stepped out of a fairytale.

It took her a moment to realize where she was exactly though that was mostly due to the gossamer sheet floating away from her. She slowly began to recognize coolness of water on her skin, and she gave herself one moment to panic before she realized... she was breathing... underwater. Percy had said that they could, but Leaneíras never sought out the need to confirm it. Her eyes widen as a hammerhead shark drifted through the bedroom window, regarded her, and then swam calmly out the opposite side of
the room.

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