chapter twenty-two

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Naoya is home early and thankfully Toji had left a bit before he arrived.

He wraps his arms around you and kisses you. "I missed you."

You fake your smile, looking up at him casually. "It was getting lonely here without you."

Even after all these years, it still feels weird for Naoya to hear anything like that come from your mouth, but he likes it.

"I have news for you." He pulls back, cupping your cheeks.

And so you look at him, waiting for whatever he says. You're not expecting much though. It's probably just going to be something about a new shipment coming in, or that you'll be assigned to lead yet another dangerous project.

"We're going to Japan in a few days." Naoya, expecting to see a happy reaction from you, your face says quite the opposite, surprising him.

Immediately you step away from him. "Japan? I can't go back there. I thought we were fine here. Please, do not make me go back there, Naoya."

"Why's it such a bad thing? It's been 7 years. Plenty of time has passed for you to get over whatever happened. We moved past everything." Naoya explains, stepping closer to you, but you take yet another step back, looking him in the eye.

You shake your head. "I just can't." And you walk away, heading straight for the bathroom.

He tries to follow after you, but you've already locked the door. As you slide down it, he bangs on it harshly. "If you don't go, you know they'll kill you. It's important to the family and you're part of that now."

Tears well up in your eyes, and you hug your knees as you bring them to your chest. "I never wanted to be part of it. You gave me no choice." You whisper.

For years you've tried to figure this family out, but it's been no use. They just do what needs to be done for money, and normally you're at the front lines because you can get the job done.

It's scary but also fun. You're being shot at and running for your life. How can that be fun?

You've never even seen inside the shipments, and have no idea what's in them. It appears to be drugs though, but it's probably just a lucky guess. They don't trust you enough to be inside when they open them up. You only have one job to do.

You can't go back to Japan, not after everything that has happened. You've been forced to live in this country you're in now, not being able to leave. And if you did, they would consider it treason.

However, you're lucky to have Toji on your side.

Walking out onto the balcony, you take a deep breath.

Naoya had left earlier to attend a meeting with the others about Japan. You're sure they're plotting your death since you don't want to go back. And so you'd rather die from something you've done instead of allowing them to get to you.

As you reach the edge of the balcony, you gulp at the sight of the street way down below you. It's a far drop but it'll be quick.

Carefully, you step up onto the border and let out a breath, pulling your leg over it.

But somebody is yanking you off and you're falling into his arms. For a moment you're afraid, flinching but then you notice who it is. Toji.

"And just what the hell do you think you're doing?" He asks, grabbing you by the shoulders.

You roll your eyes and stand up. "Just don't worry about it."

The older man lets out a laugh, grabbing hold of your hand to stop you from attempting to walk away. "I care about you whether you believe it or not. This?" He points between you two. "Is worth something to me. I've heard about Japan...I'm sure this is all because of that, right?"

You're staring into his eyes. "You don't know shit."

"Well, I know enough." Toji lets go of you, affected by your cold eyes staring back at him. "Look, I know it'll be hard. Let's go back to Japan. I can't say much but...follow my lead."

You close your eyes and sigh. "I can't Toji. I've lost everything back there. If I go back I'll just be reminded every day of what happened. My life ended the day I left."

He's pulling you close, holding you by the shoulders. "I am not supposed to tell you this but..." Toji knows he's in too deep with you now, he might as well tell you what he knows. "Megumi and Tsumiki are alive."

Your eyes widen. Naoya had told you they died. Feeling angry, you pull out the knife you had hidden, putting it to his throat. "How long have you known?"

"A couple of years." He confesses and the knife is cutting into his neck, seeing the prickles of blood seeping through his skin. "I planned to tell you, I promise. Just not here."

Pulling the knife away, you take a deep breath. "Looks like we're going to Japan. And I expect you to tell me everything you know or I will kill you myself." And with that, you're walking away from him.

y'all it's been a crazy month for me. i might be pregnant lol gonna go to a doctor and get a blood test and all that. wish me luck :)

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