chapter eleven

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You and Satoru have been spending time with the kids for the last two days. Family fun days, as Tsumiki is calling them.

But today is a different day.

Without telling Satoru, you knocked on the door to Naoya's house. Nothing you say will be able to help you at all, but maybe you can get him to hold it off for a while. Your phone is off so he can't get ahold of you.

The door opens, revealing your ex-boyfriend. A smirk appears on his face. "I was wondering when you'd come back home."

"I just came here to talk, Naoya." You say, stepping inside the house.

He shuts the door and walks over to the couch. "Did it ever occur to you that I may be busy?"

You shake your head. "I never cared to think about it."

Naoya sighs, looking at you. "You're stuck with me. Have you told Gojou?"

You stare at him, the words catching in your throat. You hadn't told Satoru about the wedding yet. You didn't know how to bring it up without causing unnecessary drama.

Naoya notices the hesitation in your eyes and smirks again. "I didn't think so." He leans back against the couch, a smug look on his face. "You're still mine, you know."

"I was never yours. Our relationship was for my mother...maybe I really was happy with you in the beginning, but you just changed so quickly. And I hated it." You're staring into his eyes as you say this, watching his expression change. "Sadly, I care too much about that woman, though she has never really cared for me. But I'm done."

His eyes darken and he gets up. "You don't understand, do you? Shall I explain? You don't get to leave me. I'm going to marry you and there's nothing anybody else can do about it. There is no stopping this."

You feel a sudden urge of fear, but you refuse to show it. A smirk appears on your face and you step closer to him, confusing him. "The Zenin's are nothing. Yeah, maybe they have a bit of power to their name...but that's all."

Naoya's expression turns to anger and he grabs your arm, pulling you towards him. "You don't know what you're talking about. The Zenin's are everything. And when I marry you, we'll be unstoppable."

You try to pull away from him, but his grip is too tight. "Let go of me, Naoya."

He leans in, his breath hot against your neck. "You're mine, and you'll do as I say."

At that moment, you know you have to get out of there. You raise your knee, hitting him in the groin which causes him to release his grip. You quickly run to the door, but he grabs your hair, pulling you back towards him.

"I'll make you regret that." He growls, before slamming you against the wall.

You feel a sharp pain in your head and everything goes black.

The sound of a machine beeping is the first thing you hear as you begin to gain consciousness.

Your eyes open, trying to make sense of what's happening.

A hospital room.

Looking around the room, the panic sets in.

At first, you're confused as to why you're here, but then you remember that Naoya had slammed you against the wall. Trying to get up from the bed, pain shoots through your body and you feel exhausted, letting out a deep sigh.

The door opens. "Oh, baby." Satoru is happy to see that you're awake.

"Satoru..." You look at him and he walks over to the chair placed by the bed. "How did you know I was here?"

Before he can answer, Ieiri steps into the room with her clipboard. She must've informed him.

"I'm glad you're awake." She shuts the door and leans against the wall calmly. "I ran some tests on you...I'll need to speak with you privately in a moment if that's okay with you Satoru?"

He nods. "Yeah, of course."

She leaves the room, giving you two a moment.

"Where is Naoya?" You ask.

Satoru seems angered just by the mention of his name. "That bastard brought you to the hospital and left." He doesn't even need to ask if he hurt you, he already knows he is the one to blame for this. And he's going to kill him. "She got you into a room immediately and called me. I've been here for a few hours."

You laugh softly. You're not even phased.

Just then, Ieiri returns and Satoru stands up, ready to leave the room to give her space to speak with you. You give him a grateful smile before turning to Ieiri.

"What's the news?" You ask.

She takes a deep breath before beginning. "You have a concussion and a few bruises, but nothing too serious. However..." She pauses, looking at you with concern. "You're pregnant."

Your heart stops. Pregnant? You hadn't even considered it.

Tears fill your eyes. You feel pathetic. You don't even know who the father would be. If anything it would have to be Satoru's child. He's the only one you've been sexually active within the last couple of months.

"I know it's sudden news, I'm sorry." Ieiri apologizes quickly, a frown on her face as she looks at you.

"How far along am I?" You decide to ask.

She looks down. "You're only six weeks."

It's definitely Satoru's. There's no doubt about that.

You lay down and stare up at the ceiling. How are you going to tell him? How would he even react? What are you going to do? He still doesn't even know about the wedding. Now, there are two things you have to tell him.

Ieiri leaves the room, allowing Satoru to come back in.

He notices that you're bothered by something. "What's wrong? Is everything okay?"

You can't even look at him right now, so your eyes squeeze shut. "I just need to go home."


welp, there's that.

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