chapter seventeen

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Satoru takes a deep breath and knocks on the door. He's tired after spending the night in the hospital with you since they're keeping you there for a bit.

However, you sent him home. And the sweet moments you two had shared, ended.

The door opens and reveals Eliana. She smiles brightly at him. "I figured you'd be gone all day."

He scratches the back of his neck. "Uh, she said I should go back home. I'm sorry it's pretty early in the morning."

"No, it's fine. Would you like a cup of coffee?" She asks sweetly.

Satoru nods and she allows him to step inside the house. It's quiet. As he looks over, he notices Nanami sitting at the table reading.

Eliana walks into the kitchen and grabs a cup for Satoru, pouring the freshly made coffee into it.

For a moment he's lost in thought, trying to think of a way to protect you, until Eliana hands him the coffee. "Thank you."

"Eli had plans with the kids today, maybe it would be good for you to rest for the remainder of the day. I'm sure it's been a lot." Nanami puts his book down, looking up at Satoru.

Nanami and Eliana are a couple. They're both attending the same college and that's how they met, dating for a little over 2 years now. She moved to Japan from America and decided to settle down here.

When needed, they watch the kids for you and Satoru. You're very thankful to have them in your lives.

"Are you sure?" It would be nice to just have a day to rest.

She nods. "Of course. It doesn't bother us a bit!"

He smiles, taking a sip of his coffee.

After a bit of visiting, he finally decides to head home. As soon as he gets home, he's going to crash. Or so he plans.

Getting out of the car, he takes notice of the man sitting on the porch who has just stood up, smiling at him.

Satoru smiles back, walking up to him.

It's your dad.

"How have you been old man?" Satoru wraps his arms around the older man, greeting him.

He shakes his head. "Oh, I'm just here. Found out some bad news, so I decided it was time to come home for a bit and see my girl. Where is she?"

"Uh, would you like to talk inside?" Satoru suggests and the older man nods, following him inside the house.

You haven't seen your dad in a couple of years, since he has moved further away. Occasionally you two would talk on the phone, but that was about it since he worked so much.

"I know you're probably thinking it's weird that I was waiting on the porch." Your dad chuckles softly, following Satoru into the kitchen.

Satoru looks back at him. "I don't think it's weird. But how did you find out I lived here? We haven't been here long." He notices he has said we and winces, the thought hurting him.

"I have my way of getting the information I need." That is all he says before taking a seat. "Anyway, I know that it was those damned Zenin's that killed her. Do you know anything about that?"

The white-haired man shakes his head, his eyebrows knitting with confusion. Where was he going with this?

Your father shakes his head. "I was afraid of that." Satoru notices as his eyes darken. "I've never liked them, and I never will. When I found out that she had made that damn arrangement for her to marry that bastard, I tried to do everything I could to get her out the safest way possible, but I still have yet to find one for her. And now...her mother is gone."

Satoru can tell that your father is angry as his blue eyes shift to the man's clenched fists and now gritted teeth. He wishes there was more he could say at the moment, but he is speechless.

"There isn't much I can do anymore. They're too powerful, and with this marriage...if Naoya gets my little girl pregnant and they grow the Zenin family, they'll have what they truly want." He hates the thought of her children carrying the Zenin name, knowing they'll be turned into monsters with no remorse toward anyone or anything.

Satoru's lips part, looking down at the man, struggling to find the right words to say to him. He doesn't want this to be the way he finds out, but perhaps it would be of some comfort to the older man. "She is already pregnant." He states.

The man's head slowly turns, looking up at Satoru who suddenly gulps.

"But it's not Zenin's blood."

And with those words from the younger boy, your father's hand slaps against the fabric of his own shirt. "I had no idea you two were..."

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way." Satoru is quick to apologize to him.

A sigh escapes the older man's lips and he stands on his feet, looking into Satoru's eyes. "We have to stop that goddamn wedding before it's too late."

Satoru had taken a nap earlier, and now he is sitting in the kitchen with only his thoughts.

This morning, when your father tried to leave, Satoru tried to get him to stay at the house with him, but he said he couldn't and ended up leaving.

The more he thinks about the Zenin family, the angrier he gets. They'll kill you once they find out that the child isn't Naoya's, that's if the Zenin boy doesn't know that information already. Surely not, or you'd be dead.

His eyes are welling with tears. He can't bear to lose you. Especially to the likes of a family as evil as them. Satoru just knows he has to protect you and his unborn child. The two children as well, mainly Megumi as he has the Zenin blood.

He notices a shadow by the window and he gets up quietly, walks to the door, and looks out the small window in the door, scanning the porch just to find nothing. But he has a strange feeling.

Satoru's hand wraps around the door knob and turns it, stepping out onto the porch. Suguru is standing down the pathway with his back turned to Satoru, his hands in his pockets as he stops in his tracks.

"Feeling lonely?" Suguru asks, looking back over his shoulder at his old best friend.

His blue eyes close and he takes a deep breath before opening them again. "You need to leave, Suguru."

"And why is that? Are you going to threaten me again?" Suguru then turns around, facing the boy who is standing up on the porch. "Tell me to leave and never come back to this place? You don't scare me, Satoru. I don't care about you and I haven't for years. I'm only here for her. She is all I care about. Not anybody else."

Satoru feels hot, Suguru's words making him boil with anger. "How can you say that you care about her when you hurt her in one of the worst ways possible? She is never going to forgive you for that."

"You told her?" He lifts a brow, genuinely curious. Before, he knew that Satoru hadn't said anything to you about it, leaving you to be curious.

Without thinking, Satoru lies. "Yes. I've told her everything." For now, it'll have to work. There is no need for Suguru to know if he really has spoken to you about it.

"Hopefully, you told her the truth." Suguru finally turns back around, continuing his walk down the pathway.

And Satoru doesn't stop him, knowing that if he does, it won't end well. And he can't do anything too reckless before he saves you.


I actually really enjoyed writing this chapter. I haven't written anything for a couple of days as I had consumed my time with reading an Anakin fanfic. It was amazing by the way.

anyway, I really hope you enjoyed the chapter. part one is coming to an end, only three more chapters to go and it is finished. It will probably take me a bit to write part two.

vote & comment <3

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