chapter eight

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Everything has been running smoothly.

You're all moved into the house and the last thing needed is groceries, so that's what you're getting ready to do.

Satoru comes out of the bathroom and stops to kiss the top of your head before walking over to the bed. "Are you sure you want to go grocery shopping? You haven't really been feeling well."

"I'm okay. Besides, I'll have Megumi's help." You smile.

As you try to leave the bedroom, Satoru pulls you back and shuts the door. You giggle softly as you look into his eyes before they close as he leans in to kiss you.

Wrapping an arm around his neck you kiss him back and pull away. "The kids are in the living room."

"It'll just be a minute." He says going in to kiss you again.

Your hand covers his face to stop him.

He pouts. "Come on."

Sending him a look, you start to walk away, just for him to yank you back and try to kiss you again. You laugh, trying to get out of his grip.

It feels really good having this.

Even though you're not sure what exactly is going on between the two of you, it makes you feel warm.

"You have to let me go." You say laughing. "Megumi is waiting."

Satoru sighs. "Fine, fine." He lets you go. "I need a minute though."

You're confused at first but then you look down and there it is. So you just nod and laugh to yourself for a moment.

"It's not funny." He says.

You open the door and step out, heading toward the living room where Megumi is waiting for you patiently as he watches his sister draw. "You ready kiddo?"

He looks over, seeing you. "Yup."

"Can we get some of these?" Megumi asks, pointing to some Oreos on the shelf.

Looking up, you nod and grab them, placing them in the cart before continuing. You've got most of what you need. Right now, you're just strolling through the aisles to get anything that catches your eye, mainly junk.

"You wanna get some ice cream after this? It'll be our little secret." You wiggle your eyebrows at the little boy playfully.

He nods eagerly.

Both of you finish up shopping and head out of the store to load everything up in the car.


You stop in your tracks and look up, seeing as Suguru is leaning against the car. "Suguru..."

He lifts a brow. "I just wanted to talk to you alone but it seems that your..." Suguru isn't sure who the boy is to you.

"Satoru won't be very pleased to know you're talking to me." You say and look over at Megumi who is staring at him. Maybe you'd actually talk to him if you were alone, but you don't want to bring Megumi into this. Plus, this time his energy feels different. And you know it's better just to leave while you still can. "Come on, Megumi."

His hand wraps around your wrist. "I just need to talk to you about a few things."

You yank yourself away from him, leaving the shopping cart to the side to get Megumi inside the car but Suguru is pushing you against it roughly. "Just let me talk to you for a few minutes, okay?"

Megumi tries to push him away. "Don't hurt her!"

"Megumi, no." You say and look at your old friend. "There is nothing to talk about, Suguru. Especially after you've put your hands on me. You really have changed."

He doesn't seem to like that very much and pulls something out and pushes it against your abdomen. "Don't say things like that to me. We used to be really good friends and you were quite fond of me."

When you look down you notice the gun and tense up, knowing you won't win this fight as long as he has this gun pressed against you. But you're worried about Megumi. If anything happens to you, what will happen to him? "Just...please, okay." You breathe out, glancing at a worried Megumi.

Suguru is staring into your eyes and he then chuckles, moving the gun away. "They never told you, did they?"

You watch him for a moment as he moves away from you. "No. They never told me anything. I just know that a fight happened between you two and then you were gone, and I never saw you again."

"The fight was because of you." Suguru confesses and your eyes widen.

His phone rings and he sighs, pulling it out and answering it. "Hm?" Suguru glances over at you. "Yeah. Okay, whatever." He hangs up. "We can talk more about this another time."

You make sure Megumi is behind you as you watch as he leaves. That is no longer the Suguru you used to know.

Making it home, you make sure to lock the door and place a chair in front of it. Satoru chuckles at the sight. "What're you doing?"

"We have to talk." You say seriously and his smile drops.

Walking past him, you carry the bags to the kitchen and begin putting things up.

Tsumiki is hugging Megumi as he tries to get away, so Satoru helps you put everything away and then both of you head to the bedroom.

He's worried. "Did something happen?"

"I don't want you to freak out. But I'm not going to keep it from you." You start off. "Suguru was there again, I think he might've been following us. But I was scared, Satoru..."

Satoru watches as you begin to cry, frozen in his place. If he knew that Suguru put his hands on you, he would definitely try to kill him.

"He pulled out a gun and I just...froze. Megumi tried to do something but I was worried that Suguru would hurt him. Something in him has changed, the old Suguru would never do anything like that."

But he would.

His arms wrap around you as you break down. At the moment, he just wants to comfort you the best way he can, so you know that you're safe with him.

Now he's mad at himself for not going instead. You could've been hurt. And he would've never recovered from that. The fact that Suguru even did that with Megumi around just makes Satoru boil with anger.

You look up at him, sniffling. "The fight that happened between you was because of me, right? Did I do something wrong? I hate that he feels this way toward me when I don't even remember what happened."

Satoru frowns. "Hey. Nothing is your fault, I can promise you that." He cups your cheeks, wiping your tears with his thumbs. "I'll kill him."

Before you can say anything, the door creaks open and Megumi is peeking in carefully. You smile softly and leave Satoru's side, falling to your knees and squeezing him tightly. "I love you, Megumi. Please, don't do anything like that again. I don't know what I would have done if he had hurt you."

He wraps his arms around you tightly as you sniffle. "I love you too. I didn't like that he hurt you."

Satoru's fists ball up and the anger is starting to take over, clenching his fists. He's going to do what he should've done 3 years ago.


I'm thinking ill try to publish twice a week instead. I have finished the chapter summaries and I've been writing this a lot. but maybe I should try to slow down a bit.

now I need to figure out what I plan to do with part 2, I'm very excited about it and I may have to update the warnings!

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