chapter seven

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You grin happily, leaning down with your arms open as you wait for the kids to run into your arms. "I missed you two so much." You kiss the top of each of their heads.

Satoru is behind you as you cling to the small children. He smiles at the sight.

"Whenever we get back home, we gotta start packing our things for the house." You say, standing up and glancing back at Satoru. "Can you take the kids to the car? I wanna talk to Ieiri for a moment."

He looks at you for a moment before nodding, looking down at them. "Come on guys." He says, leading them over to the car.

You watch as he helps them inside and then turn to Ieiri. "We ran into Suguru at the store yesterday. He has moved back here I guess." You turn back to make sure Satoru is still over there before continuing. "Ieiri...what happened that night they had that falling out?"

Her eyes widen and she doesn't know what to say. Suguru. She hasn't heard that name in a very long time. Sure, she has thought about him from time to time, but hearing it aloud just really strikes a nerve for her. And suddenly all she can think about is that night.

"He won't talk about it, and I'd feel bad if I asked him again. And I'd rather not fight with him about something like that. It's just we were all so close. And one night changed all of that? I don't understand." You shake your head.

"I promise you, it will be so much better if you don't know. And I hope you never find out either." She says truthfully and you stare at her. "We really do care about you and I would never say that if I didn't believe that you would be better off not knowing."

You nod, stepping back. "Yeah. Thank you."

Ieiri can tell that you're disappointed by her answer, but she could never be the one to say what really happened. It would have to be Satoru to do that.

The white-haired man is waiting by the car for you.

"I don't want to keep him waiting, we have to start packing." You say. "I love Ieiri, we will see you soon."

She smiles. "I love you too, don't forget what I said."


It's best to just try to let it go, but seeing him again only sparked the memory. And it's good that you have a distraction right now because you'd be losing your mind without it.

You've almost finished packing the whole bedroom, leaving out certain things for tomorrow.

Satoru walks into the room and you glance over. "Tsumiki fell asleep already." He says and you smile, shaking your head.

"Of course she did." That little girl always falls asleep early, but at least she's very well-behaved.

He walks up to you, stopping you from packing. "We're okay, right? I know that you asked Ieiri about Suguru earlier today. I don't want that to bother you."

You sigh. "Yeah, it was. But I think I'm starting to get over it a bit...accepting that I'll just never know. I don't want it to be a problem for anybody. I just really wanted to know."

"I don't want you to feel that way either. It's a hard decision really." He lets out a breath, pressing his forehead against yours. "Your feelings matter to me more than anything. Just know that everything I do and every decision I make is for you and those kids."

Sighing, you pull him close to you. "I lied about something before."

He pulls back, looking down into your eyes.

" wasn't the first time. That aggressive, sure, yeah, it was the first time for that. But it was never that bad before." You confess.

Satoru cups your cheeks with both of his hands gently. "I know. I always know when you lie to me. I notice everything. When something is different, I notice. When you go silent, I notice. I just...know you."

Your eyes widen slightly and he only nods with a smile on his face.

He hugs you and together you stand there for what seems like hours, but it doesn't bother either of you. You just feel safe in his arms and you never want to leave.


I got my stuff back from my ex, now I'm an emotional mess. my writing will either be shit or really good bc I'm expressing how I want to be treated.

also, kinda thinking that this fanfic will have two parts to it. perhaps divided into twenty chapters each.

I'm sorry this chapter is so short.

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