chapter fifteen

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As you step into the house Naoya is seated on the couch, looking directly at you like he's been waiting hours.

You don't say anything as you shut the door, heading into the kitchen. He knows.

Naoya stands up, following you. He stops and leans against the doorway, crossing his arms. "And where did you go?"

There is no sense in lying, he definitely knows.

"I had to see the kids, Naoya." You say, swallowing hard as you search for something to eat in the fridge.

"You lied to me." He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath.

You turn around to look at him, not daring to show him that you're scared. "Yes, I did. But I've told you the truth now, haven't I?"

He laughs and opens his eyes, stepping closer to you. "Only because you know that I know where you went."

Backing away from him, your back hits the counter and you slide against it, trying to move away from him as he inches closer.

His hand grabs hold of your neck and turns you around, pushing you against the counter.

"Naoya, the baby!" Your eyes squeeze shut as you try to push back, so your stomach isn't pressed against the counter.

"That baby probably isn't mine, and we both know it. When it's born and it isn't mine...I'm going to fucking kill you myself." Naoya threatens.

A tear slips down your cheek and he slaps the back of your neck before letting you go and leaving you to fall onto the ground.

You're breathing heavily and staring at the cabinets in front of you as you lie there, holding your stomach.

Knowing Naoya, he will give the baby the Zenin name. But you know that Satoru will never let that happen.

The baby isn't even born yet and you know it'll be in good hands.

It's hard to believe that at some point in your life, Naoya made you happy.

Whenever you had first met him, your mother introduced the two of you. And she desperately wanted you to be with him. At the time you couldn't figure out why she wanted you to date so bad. You thought maybe it was because she hated Satoru. But now you know that it was because she owed the family.

And now you're tied into it all.

You wake up and the house is quiet. It seems that Naoya is gone.

Getting out of bed, you decide to take a quick shower.

As you get undressed, you place both hands on your stomach and look at yourself in the mirror. The idea of being a mother is still hard to grasp.

If you were with Satoru, things would be different and you'd be happy with the fact.

A small smile appears on your face as you begin to recall all the good memories you two made throughout the years.

Satoru threw a huge party for your sixteenth birthday, which just so happens to be the day before your friend group fell apart. Your parents had just divorced days prior, and he wanted to do something nice for you so that you wouldn't have to worry about it for a bit on a special day.

You were born on October 28th, of the year 1990. A year after Satoru, since his birthday is December 7th, 1989. But you were in the same grade together, as you were able to start school early. You became best friends in the 5th grade after you transferred schools.

And you were 16 when you met the kids, Satoru had just turned 17 about a couple of weeks before.

In the beginning, you were worried that it wouldn't work out, but it did. Satoru got money from his family, who wanted to support him with his decision, and that helped a lot. Both of you were even able to finish school.

Reaching forward, you feel if the water is hot and then step inside, relaxing as it hits your skin.

You're tired, so you just try to hurry and finish so that you can head to bed and try to get some sleep, especially since Naoya still appears to be gone. There's no telling what he's doing and for all you care, you hope he never makes it back. 


I've realized I need to go back and edit the first couple of chapters.

finally decided to talk a bit about their past, so it was a short chapter overall.

is anybody in that jjk leaks server? i need friends LOL

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