chapter three

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You wake up and stare at the ceiling for a moment before you look over to see a sleeping Naoya.

After your shower yesterday, you ordered takeout for both of you.

Carefully, you get out of bed and grab your phone.

There's a new text from Satoru and you smile as you sit on the couch, opening it.

Satoru: Did you make it home okay?

You type a quick reply to him which is apologizing for the late reply and that you did in fact make it home, then hit send.

Today you have to clean the house while Naoya goes to work, so he can go home to a spotless house.

You're upset by what he said yesterday and hope that he doesn't mean it, but knowing him he definitely does. He has never liked the fact you spent so much time with Satoru. It's surprising that it took him this long to make that decision for you.

Now you're worried about telling Naoya that you plan on moving in with him and the kids in less than a week.

The conversation probably won't end well for you, but what other option do you have?

"What're you doing? Don't you have things to do today?" He's awake.

Looking over, you put on a fake smile. "Hey, I was gonna talk to you about something."

He walks past you, going into the kitchen. "What? I have to get ready for work." He's looking for something to snack on.

You decide to just rip the bandaid off. "Satoru bought a house and I'm moving in with him so it's easier to take care of the kids."

Naoya freezes and he glares at you. "No, the fuck you're not."

"I have to, Naoya." You walk closer to him and put a hand on his waist. "It's just going to be easier."

He pushes you away from him. "Why do you do this to me? I try so hard for things to work out for us, and you just..." He steps closer, grabbing hold of your face. "I hate you."

His words don't phase you.

"I don't care." You pull yourself away from him and start to walk away.

"Don't walk away from me, I'm not done." Naoaya tries to pull you back but you keep walking toward the bedroom.

You scoff. "Well, I am."

Just as you open the bathroom door, Naoya yanks you toward him. "Don't ever walk away from me while I'm speaking to you ever again."

For the first time, you raise your hand to him and smack him across the face.

He's shocked that you've done this.

You're standing there, staring into his brown eyes as they stare back at you. Suddenly you see his expression change and you try to get away from him.

He's grabbing hold of you and throwing you to the ground harshly.

It's the first time he has ever laid hands on you, but you're surprised he hasn't done this sooner.

Without even thinking, he moves his leg back and kicks you in the face. You wince at the pain and thankfully, that's all he does before walking away.

"Don't forget to clean the house while I'm at work." He says as he starts to get dressed, leaving you all alone on the floor.

You just lay there, holding the side of your face as he leaves the house and the tears start streaming down your face.

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