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I woke in the morning and could barely move, I groaned and lifted my head from the side of Lisa's bed, rubbing my aching neck. My back seemed to pop as I sat up, I don't really think it was a good idea to sleep bent over leaning on the bed.

My eyes immediately found Lisa, she was awake and just staring at me, a small sad smile pulling at the corners of her mouth. "Hey," she whispered.

"Hi, why didn't you wake me if you were awake?" I asked, rubbing my hand up her arm and trying to stifle a yawn. My whole body was hurting and aching, my eyes were still stinging and I could do with another few hours sleep at least.

She stroked the side of my face, "You know I like to watch you sleep," she said quietly.

I laughed and turned my head to kiss her hand. "I know pervert, but I would have much rather you have woken me up so I could have talked to you. I've missed you, you were asleep for a long time you know," I scolded playfully. She smiled but didn't say anything, her eyes were tighter than normal, her face so defeated and sad. I swallowed loudly, "What's wrong, Lisa?" I whispered.

"I can't feel my legs," she replied, looking away from me.

I felt my heart sink, had it not worked? Had she gone through all of that pain for nothing? Had she risked her life and nothing had changed? "Lisa, lets just wait for the Doctor, ok? He said they needed to wait a while before doing the tests. Maybe the swelling hasn't gone down yet, maybe you need more time to get over the surgery, it's only been a few hours," I said, trying to keep my voice level and devoid of any emotion.

She nodded but she didn't look like she believed me. "Yeah I guess."

"Please baby, just don't start stressing about it yet. Lets just let the Doctor do his thing and do the tests when you're ready to do them." I begged. "You could be working yourself up into a state for nothing, please Lisa, the Doctor said you needed to stay calm and rest."

She nodded and squeezed my hand, putting on a fake smile and looking back to me. "Yeah ok." She sighed and looked over my face slowly. "You still look tired Jennie bear, you should sleep some more."

I kissed her hand and shook my head, "If you're awake then I'm awake."

"Jennie, what if it doesn't work and I can't walk anymore? What do I do then?" she whispered, she looked like she was a couple of seconds from completely breaking down and it was scaring me a little. Lisa was always so strong, she was always the one in control and looking after me, and right now the roles had completely reversed for the first time ever.

"We'll deal with that if it happens. Let's just not think about it right now. What's the point in worrying about something that won't even happen?" I asked, trying to sound positive.

She closed her eyes and pulled on my hand, "Come lay with me for a little while. You should go back to sleep, you look like hell, Jennie bear."

I laughed and tried to look offended, "That's not the way to talk to the girl you're in love with, Lisa. If you're trying to get in my pants then you're going about it all wrong," I teased, as I climbed on the bed carefully. I laid along her side, barely touching her and staying as still as possible.

"I might not be able to do that again, Jennie, did you think about that?" she snapped.

I frowned at her anger but didn't say anything, I wasn't sure what I could say to make her feel better, so I just put my arm across her chest and kissed her shoulder. She hardly ever shouted at me or anything, so she must be really upset to be doing it now. If she needed someone to shout at and get her anger out on then I could be that person for her, I'd be anything she needed me to be.

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