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I glanced over at GD while he was driving. I felt sick, Lisa was going to go crazy when she realized I wasn't at school, jeez she was going to worry herself into an early grave about me! GD had a small smile on his face as he drove us to God knows where, I just sat there quietly not wanting to upset him or anything. He'd practically carried me kicking and screaming into the car but no one had been around to see or hear, so no one would even know I was gone until Lisa started to look for me.

Luckily, I'd learnt from the last time that he grabbed me. I'd been carrying my cell phone in my pocket instead of my purse so I knew I had that on me, but I couldn't exactly call anyone while he was with me. I didn't even know where we were going for goodness sake so I didn't want to risk pulling out my phone and wasting the one phone call I would probably get time to make.

He hadn't hurt me at all, just bundled me into his car and had ordered me to stop crying, I was trying to control myself I didn't want to get upset and give him an excuse to hurt me. I just needed to play along and keep him talking and look for an opportunity to call Lisa, she would call the police and everything would be fine. I just needed to stay in control of myself, not upset him and pray that he wasn't driving us too far away.

He glanced over at me and smiled, "How was school?" he asked as if this whole situation wasn't happening at all.

I gulped and willed my voice to come out more confident than I felt. "It was ok."

"That's good. You've been hanging around in the library a lot after school." he stated making me go cold. Had he been watching me at school? Wow this was actually a little worse than I thought.

"I have a job there volunteering." I said quietly as I rejected yet another call that was vibrating against my leg in my jeans pocket. I felt sick that I was doing that to Lisa but I needed to find out where we were going first, I couldn't risk letting it carry on vibrating in my pocket because GD might hear it. I couldn't just press answer because Lisa might shout through the phone or something and then GD would find it and I would lose my only chance.

"Yeah you said before that you like reading, I bet that suits you working there." He smiled over at me as he pulled into a crappy street that I had no idea what it was called.

I nodded and looked around for some sort of street name or something so I could get my bearings but there wasn't any and I felt my heart sink a little more. Ok I just needed to go for it and ask him where he was taking me.

"Where are we going G?" I asked trying not to sound too interested but just enough to play along.

He smiled, "My place, I thought you might like to come hang out or something. We could get a takeout if you want." he suggested happily. Holy crap he really has lost the plot! What on earth is wrong with him that he would think that bundling me into a car is normal?

"I'm not hungry." I mumbled.

He pulled into a driveway and again I looked around desperately for a street name, would Lisa know where GD lived if I told her we were at his place? What if she didn't? What do I do once I get inside with GD... carry on pretending that this is normal and keep him talking? What if he wants to make out... or more. I swallowed a sob at the thought of what he would probably want from me if we were alone at his house.

Oh my God what if we weren't alone? What if Dara was here! I felt hope bubble up inside, Oh God please let his sister be here and I could ask her for help and tell her what he's been doing!

He turned to me and smiled, "You've not been to my place before, hell I've never had any girl over so this is a first for me." he laughed quietly and actually looked a little nervous about it.

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