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I couldn't take my eyes off of the wall. There were pictures everywhere of me, not just me though that was the scary thing, Lisa was there as well. There were pictures of us together laughing or hugging, but in every picture Lisa's face had either been scratched out leaving it white, or burned out leaving a ragged hole. I knew it was her because of her clothes and where we were. These weren't pictures of us as kids, these were pictures of things we'd done recently. Us at the football game, us at the store, at the movies, damn there was even one of us loading paint cans into Lisa's trunk, so I knew that one was less than a week old.

How long had he been following me, taking these pictures? Why hadn't I seen him, he literally must have been following me all the time. The ones that scared me the most were the ones of me or Lisa at our apartment, there was even one taken from the street outside where Lisa was closing the drapes in just her sports bra and boxers so she must have been ready for bed. That meant GD was camping outside our apartment at night with a damn camera just waiting and knew that we lived together.

I felt lightheaded and my lungs were starting to burn because I just couldn't remember how to breathe. Every inch of the wall was covered in photos, but why would he take Lisa out of the pictures? And in such a violent way too, did he want to hurt Lisa? Oh God what if she comes here without the police and GD goes crazy? He has totally lost his mind so he could literally do anything.

He was looking at me, obviously waiting for some sort of reaction and I didn't know what to do. How could I pretend this was normal? How could I put on a fake smile and pretend like this didn't make my blood run cold in my veins? I couldn't, my reaction was already starting and I had no control over it at all.

I felt the scream trying to force its way out so I clamped my jaw tight so all that came out was a little whimper. Oh crap, oh crap, OH CRAP! My hands were shaking, my legs felt weak and all I wanted to do was run from the house screaming for Lisa to run as far away from here as possible so GD didn't do anything to her.

"This one's my favourite." He moved me forward, closer to the sick shrine on the wall as he rubbed his hands up and down my arms softly, making bile rise in my throat. He pointed to a picture of me sitting on the bleachers on a game night, I was laughing at something, you could see I was wearing Lisa's jersey but I had a jacket over the top so that's probably why he didn't scratch off Lisa's number or something. There was another photo of me overlapping this one, obviously cutting off who I was sitting with but I knew it would be Rosè, I always sat with her at the games.

"You look so happy here, I love it when you smile. It lights your whole face, makes you look so damn hot. Actually I love all the pictures, but that one's special." he whispered, his breath blowing down my neck as he pressed his chest against my back.

"Because Lisa isn't in it?" My voice broke when I said her name as I tried desperately not to have a full blown panic attack. As soon as I said the words, I immediately wanted to punch myself for mentioning her name. Why? Why did I say that? I'm so stupid!

His hands immediately tightened on my arms, his fingers digging into my skin making me wince. He made an angry snort. "That fucker ruins all the pictures; I never get a nice one of you on your own. Little shit. You need to stop hanging around with her Jailbait!" he ordered looking at me hard and accusing.

How long had I been here now? It was literally only a few minutes since I'd called Lisa, how long would it be before the police turned up? Surely they hadn't seen this freaking shrine on his wall otherwise they would be taking my complaint more seriously.

The pain in my upper arms started to get worse as his grip tightened on me. "G you're hurting me," I whispered as my eyes filled with tears.

He frowned angrily and let me go running a hand through his hair, his eyes not leaving mine. "Why do you have to hang around with that asshole? Why not someone else? Any other girl than Manoban!" he growled angrily.

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