"Renya Ramirez-Arellano, daughter of Bellona."

Renya squeezed her eyes shut once, then opened them. She took one step forward, and bowed to the gods.

"We will grant you with the power to control minds."

Another aura glowed around her, and she stepped back. I smiled and hugged her tight, happy for her.

"Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite."

I stepped forward, and glanced at my mom, who smiled proudly at me. Feeling a bit more confident, I faced Zeus, who looked down at me.

"We will grant you with any power that you would like."

Zeus nodded. Posiedon grinned and leaned back in his fishing chair. I bit my lip.

"I want the power to comfort people. Anybody."

Zeus frowned. "An odd request."
I glanced at Percy who tilted his head slightly at me.
He sighed. "Aphrodite?"
A blinding light surrounded me. The light was warm. I opened my eyes. Nothing seemed different. But I bowed to the gods, and stepped back behind Percy.

"Perseus Jackson, son of Posiedon."

Zeus' voice rang out, loud and clear. Percy looked uncomfortable at his full name, but stepped forward confidently.

"You have showed us much bravery in both wars. Because of this, we will grant you with two wishes that can be fufilled. Both.... The one that you would like."

Percy paused.


"What?" Hermes bursted out.

"I want every counciler at camp to be immortal. Including Reyna. Except me."

"What kind of wish is that!" I exclaimed.
Percy didn't reply.
"So you're saying that you're just going to leave us. Leave me alone."
"You can't do that."
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"Include me. But I don't want full immortality, a one like the hunters of Artemis."
"We'll all be like that."
Zeus sighed. "Okay. That will be done when you get back to camp."
Percy hesitated again, and when he spoke, his voice was different. Somewhat sad, but also hopeful.

"Can you... bring someone back to life?"

The whole council was silent. We all knew what he meant. Posiedon covered his face. Athena looked away. Every god had a look of sympathy in their faces.
"I'm sorry, but we cannot change what the fates have decided."
Percy nodded slowly.
"I can promise they all went to Elysium." Hades said quietly.
Percy smiled, as if trying to be upbeat. "It's okay. The fates chose it. Nobody wanted it." he rubbed the back of his neck. "Then....... A portal. A portal between Camp Jupiter and Camp Half Blood, so that we can go and come quickly."
Zeus nodded and snapped his fingers. "That's done."
"Oh. And I remember when you gave me a wish after the Titan war. But I think you forgot Calypso."
Zeus furrowed his eyebrows. "Did I?"
Hermes flipped through his notebook. "Yes. He mentioned Calypso."
Zeus sighed. "Hephastus?"
Hephastus dissapeared and after a while, he came back with a girl that was about 15. She was pretty, and had almond eyes and caramal colored hair. She looked confused, and her eyes caught Percy, and she seemed to understand.
"Olympus." she muttered. "Can someone explain-"
"Lets get back to camp." I said. "We'll explain there."


Omega's POV


I felt Malcom's gaze as I approached Annabeth.
"Hi." She quickly stuffed the rest of her food in her mouth and stood up, her mouth full. I followed her to the fire, and she muttered some words under her breath after swallowing her food. I stared at her face, which was illuminated by the firelight. She was beautiful, and just a bit more than usual today.
"Come on." I grabbed her hand, smiling. "The beach?"
"Of course." she said. She looked behind me, and scowled.
"Huh? Oh." she turned back and slipped her hand out of mine. "Nothing."
I grabbed her hand again, tightly this time, and she looked up at me, and I smiled.

She smiled too.


Annabeth's POV

It was nice, walking with him.

I glanced at him, who had his mask off. His eyes were sparkling. He caught my eye, and smiled at me. I blushed slightly and looked away. It wasn't bad. I noticed his limp had worsened.
I looked back at him. "Yeah?"
"Why don't you like me?"
I bit my lip. "I don't know really..."
He nodded. "Wow. Annabeth not knowing something."
I laughed. "Why do you like me?"
He smiled down at me. "I don't know really..." he said, doing a bad imitation of my voice.
I nudged him and laughed. "Really."
He thought carefully about it.
"I'm not sure. I like everything about you?"
I smirked. "Even my fault?"
"Thats the thing I love most about you."
"Love?" I said uncertainly.
"Love." He said without hesitation. "The thing I love most about you."
I pursed my lips. "Why do you like me?"
"Because you're you."
I realized we had reached his cabin.
"You should go now." I looked towards his new cabin.
He stepped closer to me, and my heart beat faster. A little. I refused to believe it, but I somewhat enjoyed it.
He tucked a curl behind my ear.
"I can be Percy if you would like. I can be exactly like him if you'd like."

"I can love you more than he did Wise Girl."


1597 words!

Gods. I need to get Omega with Annabeth soon but I don't know how! I'm out of ideas.....

but I'll write a new chappie soon cause I love writing.

Must. Update. Soon.

I know what will happen, but not the details, so I am curious what will come out in the next chappie.

I wonder.

It's Me (Second book of Call me Omega)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat