Chapter 26 Duel on holy ground

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Zital's POV

I stand before the church gates. I've prepared a small list of spells and took a nice power nap. Cora waits inside, looking out through the window of a small classroom.

I look out into the streets, my eyes peeled for the sell-sword woman. We could run but it would be a dishonor and show us as cowards deserving of being hunted. Imno and Alex also haven't returned or tried to find us. A god a demigod should have been able to locate us by now if they weren't captured or delayed.

I see a figure approaching. The brown haired woman with eyes the color of fire comes closer. She draws her sword and stops ten feet away.
"So kitsune, let's see if you can call yourself a squire or squish." They say with a grin. I draw my sword.
"Winner takes Cora Foxtail. Loser gets killed in battle. A honorable death." I say proudly. They waited for a fair fight so a good death is what I can grant them.
"Where is the girl?" They ask.
"Waiting inside for whoever wins." I reply.
"Good enough. And if they run I'll just track them down again." She says.

I clap twice. "Shall we began on 3?" They nod. I stomp the ground three times and the third time we dash towards each other. My blade lights aflame the moment before their steal hits mine. We bounce the blades off each other and I steady myself to swing down but they had a similar idea and the swords hit each other. We both step back before I move my blade up to parry their next attack. They quickly flick their sword to a block as I swing for their side. I step a few steps back.

"Good test. You aren't bad." I praise.
They smile back at me, "Time for the real fight! Name's Phyra by the way. Zital is a nice name too."

She lunges in for a swipe but I don't let her as I back up again. My sword gets knocked to the side and almost out of my hand.
"Good one!" I shout. My feet take off. I dash five steps and right next to them. My sword is pointed right at them. They move to knock my sword away which in the process would cut my hand but before either of us can strike I spin on my heels to my right and out of the way of their attack. The weight of my weapon throws me as I unbalance myself on purpose. She turns her head to me for a moment and then spin around the other way. I rebalance myself on one foot and then use my momentum to leap into the air over the sell-sword.

I land on both feet on the woman's other side behind where their sword is swinging. I strike while the are still processing my previous move. I make sure to turn my sword so the face of the blade hits her rather than the edge. With that my blade smacks the woman in her shoulder blades. She stumbles forward and continues her swing. The off-balance stance makes her fall onto her blade. I reach a hand out to catch her and I nearly miss her but my hand grips onto her brown shirt.

"Shit!" She spouts out. I drop my sword and go for her right hand. She tries to stand but I grab her arm and shove her arm away. I slam her into the ground with her own weight.
"You are under arrest Phyra for attempted kidnapping and blackmailing into a duel. You have the right to a quick death due to dueling rules." I say loud and clear to her and anyone who might be hearing in. There is no one nearby except for the occasional masked nun walking by who pay no attention to us.

"You tricked me!" She yells in surprise.
I answer her. "I didn't but thank you for your honorable duel. I have you beat and rather than kill you I'll just take you to court. If you wish to resist I'll just claim my duel reward by killing you. I wish to grant you life but not freedom so long as you are chasing my friend." She snarls at me but then sighs and relaxes. I loosen up and pull her onto her feet.
"So you are going to take me to the local law enforcement?" She asks. I put her other hand behind her back and tie her wrists together with a long thin rope I keep in my pocket.

"Yes," I answer. I turn to a nun nearby and call out to her, "can I ask a favor of you? May you please go tell my friend Cora that I won and will come back later?" The nun looks at me tired but nods her head.

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