Chapter 25 Stone cell and stone study

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Imno's POV

Rope the color of gold and made from the blood of a divine ties around every limb. The air is stagnant and dark. I am held suspended in air by the ropes. My magic flow is frozen. A man with the mask of a blank face stares up at me from only ten feet away.

"I'd ask what you want but I already know that." I growl.
He purrs, "oh? Then what do you know? And how do you know that that is what you know?"
"Stop trying to sound smart." I hiss.
"Cute little godling got himself caught so I think I am pretty smart." He smiles from behind the mask.
"I'm a god not just a godling anymore." I hiss.
"Oh you are a godling. If you where a god then you wouldn't have gotten caught." He says. I snarl at him. "Those teeth are pretty. Those claws are too." He says. I immediately glare at him.

I grab the ropes that wrap around my wrists. Thankfully they tied my limbs to my torso but my hands are still kept away from my body by the elbows. It would have been painful if they tied my arms out to dangle by.

"You have pretty wings too."
"Cut the crap. Why do you want me. You know the sun and moon will be watching." I snap at him.
"They will do no such thing as long as you are not harmed and you still have a job to do for them first." He says.

"So want do you gain from this? From having me?" I ask.
"Everything." He says.
"What do you want from Cora?"
"You know what I want from the reincarnated demigod."
"Do you know what the arc does?" I ask carefully.
"Yes. Legend says you turned an entire world to stone due to inexperience." He says. I growl at the tender memory and push the dark moment from my mind. "Ah so it's true. I've also heard that those who sleep near the arc see memories of the people it attuned with. Including the memories of gods."

"So who's memories are you trying to see?" I ask.
"Yours." I hear the smile in his voice.
"Why?" When I ask that he goes silent for several long moments, thinking.
"Because you are a scholar like me. You have a thousand years of knowledge. You have learned and seen and read more books and information than I will ever be able to be exposed to. When I ask the gods for answers no one gives me anything." He explains.
"Perhaps it is because the knowledge you seek is the kind that drives men insane. You don't want to know what I know. And besides, that doesn't explain the reason why you want Cora. You don't need her to see visions of the past." I say.

"I personally don't want her. My boss however does. He wants her and the arc once I'm done. You know as much as anyone that she is the key to that dead god's soul." He begins slowly walking circles around me. My eyes keep on him each time he is in view but I do not turn my head.

"You know you shouldn't lie to a Lokin." I say while he is behind my back. Once he comes to my front I continue. "We smell fear, lies, and pain."
"Or so the stories go. Xyva smell fear and pain. Lokin smell lies." He corrects me. "But you are both. Nava and Zincn's child right?"
I don't answer because he already knows the truth anyway.

"I have nothing against this cult of yours and you have lied every other word." I say calmly to him.
"Yes and no. Well then I'll reveal this. I do want knowledge but what good is knowledge without wisdom? If anything as long as the knowledge is recorded and safe I can grab it any time and I'd rather not lose my mind." He says truthfully.
"Thank you for not lying. But what about why you want me and Cora?" I ask again. He stops in front of me again.

His voice changes to something almost possessive. "I've been waiting a very long time for you." He says and continues when he notices my brows scrunch in confusion, "You will learn soon enough."
"The hell does that mean?" I growl.
"Go home then growly." He says. "You know you aren't the type to make growling anything more than feral hostility."
"I'm not trying to make it anything more than hostility." I say to him.

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