Chapter 10 Prank wars

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Imno's POV

The wind and hot sun on my wide spread wings feels like pure bliss but not as much as having a girl clinging around me for dear life. Cora's arms are wrapped tight around my shoulders as I hold her. She somehow agreed to come with me to prank Jacer for his... little insult earlier. She just wanted to get out of the house but I suspect she wants to run as soon as she gets the chance. Whatever the reason, we are now soaring through the air above the clouds in the Sun Dynasty.

The hidden kitsune village should be somewhere in these woods. The flat topped mountains slowly come into sight as I dip down slowly lowering in altitude. The wind obeys my command to catch my wings. I'd dive straight down if it wasn't for the humanoid I have clinging to me. Her short cherry blossom pink hair whips around in the wind.

"Are you ok?" I ask her. The look she gives me sends a smile to my face. Her 'really?' face tells me everything. You're fiiiiine. I tilt my wings a little more and we get sent downward fast. Her scream in my ears gets drowned by the wind. My wings bank left to avoid a cliff and I straighten back to a steady glide.

"I am going to bite you for that!" She yells at me.
"Tsk, careful what you say. Who knows if I'm into that or not." I hiss in amusement. My wings flap to give some more lift.
"Gross," she scowls at me. My eyes drift down to see hers glaring at me. Such pretty voids.

I look forward again and just in time to swoop up and turn to avoid another mountain. A few miles down my eyes catch the sight of a bamboo bridge connecting two mountain paths. Bingo. I dive down again and swing right with the now gentle breeze. I follow the breeze until it picks up again and carries me away to a large hidden ravine.

A river flows through it. A pathway on either side follows it. Cora looks down in awe as I inch closer and closer to the water below. I let her get close enough to touch it. My hands around her waist tightens but she doesn't reach for the river. My wings angle up and we are lifted with the wind.

"A few more miles and we will be in the village." I inform her.
"You said you where going to prank Jacer for something he did or said. Does a god really live in a village?" She asks.
"Not just any village. This is a village of a very rare breed. Your friend Zital might have grown up here for all I know. It is the home of kitsune. So far only 30ish residence but still a village."

My voice turns to a startled gasp as I feel her hands reach around my back. Her fingers slide between my wings to my spine. I think she is feeling to try to find my fairy wings.
"Don't touch me," I say a little too harshly. She immediately backs off. "I'm sorry. You don't know better. Winged folk have a nerve bundle between our wings along the spine right before they branch off."

She looks away with her head slowly moving back against my chest. I fly in silence for the rest of the way. The mountains give away and reveals a elevated flat land. The river turns into a moat and bridges and pathways are built around the rocky hills.
People in robes and kimonos walk the streets. I glide over the village to a two story house with a semi temple look to it. I land on the balcony and a sense the tingle of magic all over this place.

Cora slides out of my arms onto the wooden flooring. Below and around the temple home people with ears and tails of every color are seen talking and doing chores and jobs. A few look up and snicker after seeing me. Most of these people have less than three tails and many still have white tails despite pretty colored ears.

"They are... all kitsune. I thought they were a rare species." Cora says looking out to the people below.
"They are. That is why they are here." I stalk past her to the door into the house.
"Kitsune are a type of anifolk but have been a species since before the modern gods and even have been around before their parents." She says with upmost certainty. I pause and look at her but she just keeps looking down at the people.
"How do you know that?"
"I just do." She replies.

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