Chapter 4 Dance in the temple

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Cora's POV

A pink and blue mask made from the feathers of flamingos and mountain bluebirds veils my face from anyone who might look me in the eyes. My father makes me wear a long dress down to my ankles. The two underskirts were hard to get on and everything below my waist is sweating. The dress itself is a nice sky blue to match the mask.

Jacer's temple is large enough to be a castle. The main auditorium has been turned into a ballroom and we are sealed off from the small service rooms. If you pay or donate then you are allowed into the prayer room for some quiet. Snacks are free as long as you gave one gold coin when you entered. The church has to make money somehow. This event not only brings attention to their god but also brings rich into the temple to spend their money.

I break away from my family as soon as I can. Everyone is wearing masks. Some masks cover their eyes only and some cover their whole face. Zital follows a few feet behind me in the nice leather armor my father bought for this event. His sword sits at his hip with a blue ribbon tied around the hilt to prevent quick-draw.

"Enjoying tonight my lady?" I hear a soothing voice say from behind me. I turn to see Zital eyeing down a elven man who pays no attention to the fox.
His skin is pale like peach skin and his hair is greasy black. His mask is different gradienting green splotches that fade into each other. The mask has black mesh that hides his eyes. The slender limbed man wears a white undershirt and dark green vest and a inviting smile only a noble can make.

I hadn't noticed I was staring when I reply.
"Yes I've been having a nice time. I've also just arrived not too long ago," I say while mustering a smile. I'm very happy that my mask also has some light mesh covering my eyes.

He smiles and says "Well I could show you around. Or maybe I'll be the lucky man who takes your first dance of the night?"

Zital looks at the elf with a bit of a side eye. Eventually he looks at me and slowly nods. I take it that surely one dance couldn't hurt.
"Why not," I say trying to bring some cheer to my voice.

He takes my hand and we walk together to the dance floor. Soon one dance becomes two and two becomes a trip to grab snacks and drink. He chats with me the whole time, mainly about flowers, which we both surprisingly are interested in. Topics change from the pretty but toxic Lilly flowers, to roses, to editable flowers, to weeds that produce flowers like dandelions.

I stand near the wall with him as we sip on white wine and he nibbles on a cracker with cheese. I pop some fruit in my mouth from a toothpick. I spot Zital getting peer pressured by what looks like old friends of his. A cleric and a scarred up fighter chat with him by the tables.

"Hay since we are speaking of flowers, do you want to see the gardens?" The elven man asks me in a attempt to get my attention back. I want to say yes just because he said flowers and garden but I'll be leaving Zital's line of sight. Wait, I don't need someone looking over me like a lost child. My body says yes but my gut says no.
"Why not," I say yes anyway. He smiles like a wolf in the woods and takes my hand right after I finish putting the last of the fruit in my mouth. We set our wine down to get taken away and we walk off together into the crowd.

A ivory colored gate leads away to a path into this beautiful and large garden in the back of the temple. It appears to still be mid day. The garden is lit by magical fire orbs that float around like balls of fire and light. The stone path leads over a small white bridge and then it splits off to 3 different sections of the garden. We head left and walk by beds of wild growing flowers. Vines with little yellow buds climb up the walls and wrap around bushes. Imno takes me to a circle of stones with a nice overhang that is covered with yellow trumpet vine. Black eyed Susan, Jasmine, flame lillies, and fire vine surround us. It must take magic for all these plants to live together and grow in harmony at the same time. I also find some other plants of yellow and orange and creamy white that I don't recognize.

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