Chapter 21 Party bat

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Imno's POV

My mind is still fuzzy from the mess we made of each other. What she did to me. What I did to her. We are both now wet from the shower I convinced her into sharing with me. Cora's scent of arousal still lingers in my nose and on my bedsheets.

Me and her both went into my bedroom a hour ago anticipating her taking out every ounce of anger onto me and she did. I bit the inside of my mouth until I tasted the iron in my blood as she dug that silver dagger into my chest more times than I could count. She cursed and yelled and screamed and told me every small thing I've done wrong. She yelled out why she hated me. Every name she called me. Every painful stab into my body. It went on until she was in tears and exhausted.

Then I just held her. We both ended up crying as I realized how uncomfortably complicated relationships with mortals are. Age isn't the issue. It is how they are raised and how they see time and how they just don't look at the larger picture of things.

Eventually we started flirting to lessen the mood. The mix of hard to process emotions just lead one thing to another and then I found myself sitting on the bed and her in my lap. She had touched my wings, tail, neck, shoulders, and sides so much my head hurt from the pleasure. I needed up with my fingers inside her before too long. It was a hot mess of hormones and emotions but nothing romantic or friendly. Just purely two desperate-for-friction adults alone in a room touching each other until a pressure release happened.

Just holding this small pink haired girl in my arms makes my guts feel twisted with butterflies. She just lays in my arms with hers slowly and gently touching my oh so sensitive wings. Every time her fingers cross over the energy made crystal wings I can't keep myself from shivering. Ever since she passed her hand under the thin magical connection, I've been so sensitive that every kiss and bite she lands on me makes my head spin.

"Don't we have something to do after this?" Cora asks. My tail makes annoyed thud on the bed.
"Yeeesss..." I grumble. "My dumbass sibling is coming over..."
"Boy or girl?" Cora tilts her head at me. She begins slowly stroking my folded wings.
"Depends on the day." I purr into her.
"Well this was nice..." she says against my neck.
"It was... I'd say this one hour was my best one in several decades. And that includes Ellie's birthdays."

She shifts a little in my arms and those beautiful voids of night stare into my eyes. She looks sad.
"Imno? You kept saying 'use me'. Do you have something you need to talk about?" She tenderly asks me.
"I-... well... I don't want to talk about it. Cora, I want this. I didn't know how much I needed this, to feel loved even if it was purely sexual need. Even the burnt muffins was a well needed funny moment." I smile to that.

"One day we need to talk about those children in the notebook." Cora's face goes cold.
"One day. I already explained they don't have souls until after they leave the tubes but yes I know what I did may seem immortal but I promise that I gave up about 130 years ago." I explain again. She lowers her eyes.

"We need to get up and dressed but I really don't want to." Cora mumbles into my chest. Her hands stroke a nerve along my wing I didn't know was there. My body tenses in response and she looks back at me with concern.
"Yah I don't want to leave bed or cuddles either but it does feel a little weird holding something that isn't a pillow."

She laughs at my snarky comment before sitting up and sliding out of my grasp. It feels cold where she leaves me. My wings, back, ribs, and sides all feel hypersensitive from the ghost of her touch.
I can't keep myself from staring at her curves. Her body definitely isn't skinny but she isn't fat.

"Chunky girl looks like a plump cherry. I might just eat you next time you find your way into my room." I say loud and clear to her as she grabs her clothes. She turns around with her shirt in her hand and approaches me. I flinch before she even raises her hand to beat me harmlessly with the cloth.

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