Chapter 17 Goodbye friend

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Cora's POV

The strange pink haired girl stands in the garden with the white furred kitsune. I look down from the balcony at them. Imno was still in the study room on the floor when I left him to be tended to by Cloy. My friend Zital stands beside me. Me and him look like almost parallels to the two standing in the garden below. I don't know or want to believe it is a coincidence.

"There is no point in explaining. I'm leaving as soon as Imno has his plan filled out. Damned gods and fey are always playing some invisible game of chess. We are all just the pieces. It seems Imno deems you his queen and he is sacrificing me to protect you, or he is simply putting me away to be used later. I don't know and don't care." Zital says and for the first time in a while sounds like himself.

I had analyzed the girl like I do everyone else I come across but I can't understand or figure out her species. Jacer however... (multiple tails, fluffy ears on top of head rather than to the sides, hard to notice fey ears to the side of his head, horns, strange patterns on face; Kitsune hybrid of some kind). I'd guess he was part dark fey by his horns, skin, and ears.

"I'm just frustrated and confused. Imno flirts with me and I flirt with him. He says he does stuff for my best interest yet he runs and hides before truly answering questions." I sigh. Zital scoots closer to me.
"I can't read minds like his but he might be more confused than you. He did answer a lot of questions earlier that one time at dinner. I personally think he is rushing the relationship a little and as a result causes these mixes of emotions in both of you." He says with a small smile. I look at him and I see understanding in his eyes. I look back to the garden.

Jacer slowly gathers a small ball of light and mana into his hands. Ellie's grey and pink tail wags in anticipation. Her green dress and pink colors makes me look like a copycat. She holds her hands out and grabs the mana-ball to her mouth. It absorbs through the holds in her mask and I could have sworn I saw her two tiny blue horns glowing.

"Cora, I need to warn you." Zital starts. He seems sad yet content. "Fey are possessive and territorial. Especially dark fey. If Imno has already claimed you as his then there is nothing anyone can do. He doesn't even need to claim you consciously to deem you his." He says. I nod for him to continue. "I don't trust him completely but I know he won't hurt you and will protect you. You will be well cared for I assume, and you will hopefully live your happy mortal life. The thing is, he is clearly going through something and has darkness inside that he has yet to defeat. He is dangerous and unpredictable as far as I can tell. Best advice I can give you is, let yourself fall in love with him. He wants you and doesn't want to admit it. Falling in love with him will make it all more pleasurable. Just don't make him fall for your too hard."

The charm in Zital's voice has been dead since we got here. My friend I made who fiercely fought for me and my family as a squire was now hidden somewhere under his armor. He didn't feel safe here and that was clear. I wish the best of luck to him when he finally leaves this place.

After my crying and admitting my anger I now feel more able to accept my situation. Maybe I might learn to love it but not now. Im still angry at the fey who is trapping me here. He let me out one time for that date and for that prank thingy but now that this threat is here I won't be let out again for a while. Only once more will I be taken from here.

No I'll let you roam Demia. Speaks a mind into my head. I flinch at the surprise. Zital is right to my side immediately.
"Are you ok?" Zital asks worried.
I'm sorry I startled you. I didn't want you thinking misinterpretations about me. I wanted to say sorry and that I understand your anger with me but then I hear those little misinterpretations of me being your kidnapper. Remember that you gave consent cherry girl. Imno's thoughts to me sound like the hissing whisper of a annoyed ancient predator. The feeling of having someone else project thoughts to you makes me shutter.

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