Chapter 5 Fey and Foxes

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Imno's POV

Her eyes, her hair, her ears, her house name, her first name. She is perfect. My heart is racing at the thought and I almost forgot what that felt like. I'm scared and nervous and I am kind of freaking out inside.

Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. No. I have to control my instincts. I have to control myself. She isn't mine yet. Yet! Isn't mine yet. I don't think I drank any of my tea today. No wait, I did. I'm not going to ask stupid questions like 'but why is this happening' or 'how can she do this to me' I know. I know. I know. I know. I know she is mine. NOT YET! Yet! Stop it! Control yourself. Calm. I'll take what is mine later. Laaaaater! Mine later!

"Follow her," I command my familiar. He nods and wonders off to keep a eye on her from a distance. I spend a good half a hour just calming down and getting my heartbeat to slow. Sadly I can sense a old friend nearby. The warm and fluffy smell of morning sunshine and burning herbs fills the temple. A entity of great power lurks nearby.

I look around and in the distance between the hedges, a midnight skinned person with long white hair, stands and stares at me. His green and purple eyes match the emeralds and amethyst embroidered into his white and gold kimono. A red collar is visible around his neck. 5 white tails fan out behind him, they all have red tips and so does his white fox ears. Two, straight, black, 4 inches long horns shoot up from his head. I smile to the horned Kitsune from the corner of my mouth and give a slight nod to let him know I see him.

He approaches and the 8ft tall male sits next to me as I put the mask back on. He notices and puts a black and gold fox mask on his own face. It only covers the top part of his face like mine. I keep my head down but I keep my eyes on him. His hand reaches over to my back and pats me on the shoulder. Instinctively I scoot away from the affectionate gesture.

"Would you like some light wine old friend?" The kitsune asks me with concern in his voice.
"I'm fine, Jacer. I just... met someone who triggered a memory," I explain. I summon a small bag from my pocket dimension and I pull out a fingertip pulse oximeter. Jacer watches me turn it on and clip it onto my finger.

"Ok but at least don't do anything over the edge," He warns.
"What do you mean?" I ask with a curious tone but I know exactly what he means.
"Imno I know you. Just don't do anything stupid and wait,"
"If you are telling me to wait then you don't know me,"
Jacer tilts his head at me with a look and sighs.
"Sometimes you are so much like your mom," Jacer says to me. This time I'm the one that gives him a look.
"And sometimes you are like yours,"
"Dead?" He says with a cheery grin. I stare at him blankly and fight back a smile.
"If you want to be dead, I can make that happen." I reply. The kitsune gives a small laugh in response.
"While that would be funny Imno, I do have some responsibilities that can't be left to certain people." He says with a smile. The red wavy markings on his cheeks ripple under his half mask. "Also, why do you hide yourself?"
"I don't like attention I didn't ask for. And it's funny to see how mortals talk about you when they don't know that's who you are." I say and look down at my finger. Jacer laughs at what I said. The device reads 46 BPM. 35 is normal for me so it seems I've calmed down now. I smile at my friend in thanks.

A beautiful tan skinned woman walks through the garden within our sight. Her black hair is up in a bun and held in place by a half sun pin. Her sunset orange dress shows off a pair of large white wings which look almost spectral in the garden light. I'm used to seeing this woman in cream and white and gold colors but today it looks as tho her entire outfit is inspired by dawn colors.

I look at my kitsune friend and see his tails begin to slowly swish as he watches her. His eyes staring softly at the dark brown ones on the backs of her hands. I'm almost half tempted to call her over or push him to get her attention. I want to leave this conversation while it is has been put on pause.

Obsidian Eyes and Crystal WingsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ