Chapter 12 Dinner questions

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Imno's POV

As soon as the door shuts to the study I throw up a barrier. My mind collapses. I let it. Hysterical laughing fills my mouth and words faster than my thoughts flood my mind. I fall to the floor and break down. It is easier to do this and lose all sanity for a little while rather than to bottle every little emotion.

For some reason all I do is laugh and cry and clutch my head in my hands. After I calm down again I look around at my study and remember where I am and what I was going to do. Oh yah... I promised to get more information on Cora's brother. I sit down in my chair and start writing. To the two gods who see all and apparently have nothing better to do.

Dear my old friends Jacer and Luid.
I hope your wives enjoy my little glitter precent. I now need to get you back two more times to be even if you don't stop pestering me. Sadly pranks and games is not what this letter is about.
I have a bit of a situation. Cora has a brother who was assumingly kidnapped anywhere from the time I took Cora home to the Grey-wing Castle yesterday to noon today. I need to know if this is true and if so then I need to know where he could be and how to get him back to his home safely.
I have reason to believe the Syntia are the ones responsible. I will count us even if you do this simple task for me. I do not have rule or rain over the lands the Syntia wonder. If you do not delay I will even help clean up the glitter mess I made.
-Imno, the son of Nava and Zincn, god of fey.

I roll up and fold the letter gently and grab some simple green wax strips from my desk drawer. I place them in a metal waxing spoon and hold it over my hand. After melting the wax with some magic fire I pour the melt onto the paper and stamp the seal. Great, one task done. I wait for it to dry completely before sending it off with magic straight to their hands.

I feel a headache coming on and almost right on cue Cloy walks into my study. He always has such perfect timing. My familiar hands me a shot of whisky and a large glass of water. I shake my head at him and roll my eyes as he puts the glasses in my hands. I down the shot and chug the much needed water.

"On cue as ever my friend," I say to Cloy while handing back the cups.
He simply smiles and says, "Dinner will be ready shortly. I suggest you take a shower to clear your mind. Cora should be getting out of her shower in a bit."
"Thank you, I'll change the house to Zital and Cora's liking while they sleep," I explain.
"See you at dinner," and with that Cloy disappears to wherever familiars go.

I probably should shower. Will I take my personal health over work when I have already showered yesterday and I don't feel particularly dirty? Heck yah! I'll take one after dinner. I have work right now so work is what I will do. I think to myself. I continue to listen to my insecurities and depression as I work.

I sit and try to relax as I let the more urgent and more important prayers flow into my head like messages. I feel what each one is thinking as they pray to the god of fey and magic. Some I answer here and there by sending small little spells at them through the power of the prayer they sent. Most I leave unanswered simply to let fate decide. A god I might be but I don't really do many godly things and it's mostly a power title than a cult title.

After mentally tiring myself I snap out of it to find out on the clock that I better head off to dinner now or be late. The chair groans as I get up to head to the stairs. I let my tail and all my horns show. The last joint of my fingers slowly turn tiredly into black claws. The nail and bone grow and fuse to form a hard and sharp shell around the end of each finger.

I went from one mentally draining activity to another today with my only break being to glitter bomb my frenemy. I hate being a introvert.
By the time I get up the stairs I see Zital has already seated and Cora is waiting for me in the doorway. Cloy is of course sitting in the corner.

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