"Baby why you jumped?" Marcus laughed as I approached him. I rolled my eyes at the tears coming from his eyes.

"You didn't feel the way that horse jerked and started to stand all the way up? That horse was about to toss and turn us every which way but loose. No fucking thank you." I said. He threw his head back and laughed loudly. "Fuck you." I laughed as we started walking over to our things.

"You are so fucking funny baby." He said as he continued to laugh. "What's next?" He asked as we dried off.

"Whatever you want baby. This is your trip. This was really the only thing I had planned that I wanted to do. We can do whatever you want for the rest of the time we're here." I said.

"Let's eat and go check out the stores. Maybe we can find some cute little souvenirs or something for Milani and Ariyah." He said. I nodded.

"I can't wait to get back to my babies. They looked so cute on FaceTime this morning." I pouted as I wrapped my towel around my waist and grabbed my shoes.

"We'll be reunited with them in no time mama." He said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. We made our way down to one of the stores that was near the beach and looked around. I found these cute little sandals for my babies and couldn't resist getting them. I grabbed a few jewelry pieces and another bikini. Once we finished looking and shopping around we went and had lunch at one of the restaurants on the beach.

After lunch we decided to go ride ATV's. This trip was poorly planned on my end because my ass was scared of everything. We rode our own ATVs but I screamed along the entire route even though I was only going about ten miles per hour. "Baby you so damn scary." Marcus laughed as I finally made it back to the starting point. I rolled my eyes as I hopped off of the ATV.

"I have kids I need to get home to, I can't be doing no life threatening shit like this." I said to him.

"They're my kids too baby and I have two more, but you only live once. I get what you're saying, but you can't let the fact that you're a mom be the reason you don't live life to the fullest." He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and looked down at me. I smiled as I rolled my eyes.

"I know, but still." I laughed.

"Scary ass." He laughed as he shook his head. "How many days are we here for?" He asked.

"Tomorrows our last day, so we can do more things today or we can just go chill and do more stuff tomorrow." I said.

"I kinda want us to just relax tomorrow and enjoy the beach. I saw a spa that's not too far from the villa so we can go there too." He said. I nodded.

"Alright sounds good. You wanna go on the boat tour? I feel like that might be the safest activity for us even though I am terrified of boats." I said.

"You funny as shit baby." He said as he started laughing again. "But that sounds good to me." He said. I nodded as we started walking the short distance back to the beach where I saw the loading dock for the boat tour. We paid for our tickets and got in and went to find a seat.

"Don't ever let me plan a trip ever again." I said as I leaned my head on Marcus' shoulder. He laughed as he kissed the top of my head and rubbed my thigh.

"Why not?" He asked. I kissed my teeth as I looked up at him.

"Because I'm scared of every damn thing. That's not fun at all." I said.

"I don't care that you're scared to do things baby. I appreciate the fact that you even planned a trip. I honestly had no idea that this trip is what you had up your sleeve. I've enjoyed the trip this far, so it doesn't matter if you're scary. I've just been enjoying this alone time with you." He said as he kissed my forehead. "I love you Alani." He said. I smiled as I looked up at him.

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