KA'YI STOOD Tsu'tey at her side as they stood by the structure that had Grace and Jake strung up to it, animal bones decorating the wooden structure- a skull resting at the top of it, looming over the traitors. A sound, a sound that made all the Na'vi look up ears flicking in an attempt to recognize the fluttering sound.

Ka'yi looked up, seeing the gray machines in the air- coming closer and closer to where they stood. "Set hivum" Grace yelled, eyes wide as she looked to the sky- then back to the Na'vi who stood in place, some staring at the sky and others at the two traitors, a Knife held to Grace's neck.

"Run to the forest!" Jake screamed, his voice cracking at the loudness of it as he tried to warn the Na'vi who stood there, hands gripping their weapons roughly. "They're coming!" Grace yelled afterward, her body struggling against the restraints.

Jake yelled something Ka'yi couldn't make out over the loud whirring sounds around her, overwhelming her ears as they twitched to some effect of blocking out the overpowering sounds. "They will destroy this place," Jake said, trying to knock some sense into the Na'vi who didn't listen to him, instead one of them pressing a knife to his neck to shut him up.

"Ka'yi, Neytiri- you must go now!" Grace yelled, trying to reason with the two girls who stared up at the sky- ears on high alert. Ka'yi cast a weak glare at the woman, wishing they would shut up so she could think. A woman let out a loud yip, pointing to something that was peeking over the mountaintops. They all turned, eyes wide and focused on the machines that peaked over the sounds growing increasingly annoying to the sensitive ears.

"Run to the forest! Run!" Jake yelled, trying to make his voice heard over the panic and the sounds that vibrated through the environment- echoing through the trees. "Ma Eytukan, ngati 'eko." Jake yelled, struggling in his restraints. (Etukan, they're attacking you!)

"Run!" Jake shouted again helplessly, kicking his feet at the Na'vi who held a knife to his throat, trying to get him to move. His eyes desperately looked at Ka'yis back, hoping she would get out of her stubborn head to run- to listen to him.

"Txopu rä'ä si! Txopu rä'ä si!" Tsu'tey yelled to the increasingly panicked Na'vi- -mates clutching each other and their children as they looked at the machines in the air, fear striking through them at the sky demons' invasion. (Have no fear! Have no fear!)

The machines turned, in an order they lined up in front of the panicked crowd- the loud sounds making it hard for anyone to hear. Ka'yi clutched her mother's hand, trying her best to keep calm as her mother clung to her shoulder. She kept a close eye on Neytiri also. And even if she didn't want to, she felt a simmer of worry in her heart for Jake, but the betrayal overpowered it.

The wind blew her hair, making her hold a hand up in order to block some from blowing harshly in her face as her eyes squinted, trying to make some sense of what was happening. Warriors lined up on their Dires, yipping and whopping as they decided against the machines- some snarling as if it would help.

Ka'yi stood in line- bow in hand, the string pulled back heavily as she waited for an order, to attack the machines that interrupted their way of living, to end the sky people. Jake's eyes went wide- body freezing in panic as his tail flicked widely- his body struggling to try to get out of the confines as he felt his heart skip a beat.

"No! God damn it, run!" He yelled- a voice full of panic as he could hear Grace trying to convince the Na'vis to run, to escape- to keep their lives.

Etukan moved to grab Tsu'tey who stood next to Ka'yi, grabbing his upper arm and pulling him close. "Ikranti makto. 'eko ta'em!" He yelled over the sounds, pushing him away as he watched Tsu'tey nod before running off. (Ride the Ikran. Attack from above.)

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