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Gwen's whole face hurt. It felt like her head was a chunk of ice.

Tony and Dr. Strange will fix it, she told herself as she landed next to Clint. He always does.

"Hey," she greeted. Clint didn't waste a second, passing the bundle of screaming limbs to her like a hot potato. 

"Here you go," he said hastily, swiping a hand across his nose like he'd been waiting until the battle was over to do it. He turned around to leave.

Gwen shifted the baby to her shoulder and shushed him, swaying back and forth. "Woah, woah, hey! What's the rush?!"

"I need to find my family." Clint's eyes bored into her, and she gasped as she remembered what Bruce had done before this whole crazy ordeal: he'd brought everyone back.

Her parents.

"My--my mom and dad," she whispered. Stefan quieted and snuggled against her shoulder, but she didn't notice. "Clint, what if they're---"

"Look, we've all got people we've grieved for five years." The deep-set lines in Clint's face sagged as he sighed, running a hand through his thinning hair. "Just drop the baby off with Tony. Go look for them."

"But Ellie---"

Clint shook his head. "I'm sorry, Gwen. I saw two Wakandans recover her body. She's gone."

Gwen squeezed her eyes closed, holding the baby tighter like he was going to slip away. First Clay, then Ellie. Who was left to care for their child? This little child, not even one day old, was now left alone in the world. The world that had just been turned upside down and back again. 

Just like she had been. Just like Billy, Peter, and Harley had been.

She couldn't let Stefan suffer a life like that. He deserved a warm home, a comfortable bed, clothes that fit. Dinner on the table. He deserved a family.

"I'll do it," she whispered. Clint's brow furrowed.


"I'll do it," she repeated, her voice stronger this time. Now aware of the way Stefan had melted to her shoulder and neck like he was a part of her, Gwen didn't want to let him go. "I'll take care of him."

"Gwen..." Clint sighed, like he was reprimanding a five year-old. "This isn't a game of pretend like you played when you were young. This is an actual, living, breathing human being. Possibly a superhuman being. He needs care. Proper care."

Gwen stiffened. "Are you saying I'm not capable?"

"I thought that was obvious!"

"Clint, I'm not five. I'm twenty-one. So many brave women have a kid when they're teenagers. They're empowered by their kids to finish school and get a good job so they can provide for them. Well, I'm almost done with school. Harley, he only had less than two months left, he was going to graduate early in December. I only have one more year left. If--if I could transfer all my classes to online, I'm sure I could---"

"Gwen... I told you, this is not pretend. This is real life. Do you even know the first thing about motherhood?" As he continued, Gwen's spirits sank deeper and deeper. "Do you know how to change a diaper? Prepare a bottle? Feed? Did you know you can't leave a baby alone, not for one minute?"

Gwen shook her head, but her voice was unsure. "I'll make it work...I have to...For Clay and Ellie. For Stefan."

Clint softened. "How about this... You keep Stefan for now, maybe until the world gets over the initial shock of its original existence." Gwen nodded. "Me and Laura'll take him in, just for a few months at the most. Hand him off to Tony, your parents, other qualified people when it's too much. If you still want the kid, then wait until you graduate and get a job or something and you'll probably be eligible for adoption."

Gwen's lip trembled. "I can't just throw him on other people. He's my responsibility."

"If you start thinking like that, if you start thinking you can't have anybody's help, then you're as sure as heck gonna be struggling as a single mother before you can sign him up for daycare."

"I won't be a single mother," she said harshly. "Tony will fix Harley, I'm sure of it."

Clint shrugged. "Okay. Just...think about it."

Pressing her lips to Stefan's warm forehead, stroking his tufts of black hair, Gwen nodded.

"I will."

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