Just Your Typical Monday

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A/N: this chapter is really messy. I'm not good at rewriting scenes from movies, so I apologize if it's too hard to follow along. If you want you can just rewatch Infinity War (I mean idk why would you want to but..) and insert Peter in more scenes with purple hands :3

This was not Tony's morning.

First off, they had been out of his favorite coffee at Starbucks. But this whole aliens-from outer-space-thing was taking it too far.

These evil guys had just showed up out of nowhere--Squidward and his little beefy minion. They were trying to steal Dr. Strange's fancy necklace with the time stone in it, but thankfully weren't having much luck so far.

Tony barely had time to blink before that beefy minion swung his axe at him. He held up his arm, bracing for the huge chunk of metal to slam into his face, but it never came. Instead, Peter caught it in his hands.

"Hey, Dad!" he cried. "What's up?"

"Kid, where'd you come from?" Tony asked in surprise.

"A field trip to--MoMA!" The end of Peter's sentence was lost as the monster picked him up and chucked him into a fountain.

"What?" Tony cried as he blasted away. The minion was huge, carried a stupid axe, and apparently didn't speak English. "You aren't supposed to be here! Go back to school right now, young man!"

Peter ignored him.

"What is this guy's problem?" Peter asked as he clawed out of the fountain and joined in the fight.

"Uh...he's from space, he came here to steal a necklace from a wizard," Tony summed up lamely.

I mean, how else do I put it?

Peter yelled as the guy threw him across the park into a tree, making the new, bright green leaves flutter to the ground. Tony furiously rounded on the beefy minion, blasters charged.

Before he could do much damage, the dratted thing chucked half a taxi at him. A thwip sounded as Peter webbed it up mid-air. He brought it smashing back down onto the creature, which roared in anger.

"I--paid for--this field trip!" Tony snarled through his punches. "You get your tail--back there--right--now!"

Suddenly, Squidward whooshed by, Dr. Strange tied to a floating slab of concrete. They were headed up in the air, to his stupid-looking donut of a spaceship.

"There's the wizard!" Tony blurted.

"On it!" Peter called as he swung away.

"Peter, dagnabbit, I told you to get back to the bus! You're in big trouble, young man! Do you hear me? Big---"

Tony was trying to take out the minion so he could follow him, but it was proving to be tricky.

"I knew I should've gotten coffee," Tony grunted as he blasted the thing again and again.


"Mr. Stark, I'm bein' beamed up!"

Peter's frightened call shocked Tony to take to the air. What would Pepper say if he didn't bring Peter home? What was he supposed to say, "Oh, sorry, honey, Squidward kidnapped him while he was trying to steal a magical necklace." Sounded like a freaking Barbie movie.

"Hold on, kid!" he called.

The minion dropped out of thin air in a whoosh of yellow sparkles. Tony watched from the ground as Wong closed the portal so quickly that the creature's severed arm came soaring back to them. A non-greenable-Bruce kicked it away in disgust.

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