You Are Seventeen Going on Eighteen

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A year and a half later
Three years since the Snap

Harley stared at the rest of the faces gathered around in a circle of chairs in the dim library community room, wondering how he'd ended up here.

Most of them were missing limbs, crippled, like him, or what society might label as 'disabled.' None of them liked to think of themselves that way---there wasn't anything they couldn't do that others could. They always got touchy when the lead speaker said something thoughtless like that.

It was one of those stupid post-Snap support groups hopeful individuals had tried to ignite from the sad, smoldering ashes of their society. Tony had forced him to do it, of course. He couldn't wait until he turned eighteen next month and Tony could no longer legally force him to these things.

"Now, who would like to share first?" the eager leading man, Mr. Cooper, asked happily. A few crickets answered him.

He was an overeager man somewhere in his forties that was clearly having a midlife crisis. He was some kind of social worker that worked with disabled kids who had lost his wife to the Snap and couldn't think of anything better to do. Harley had heard that he was already engaged again, anyway, so he clearly was ready to move on.

More than he could say for the rest of them. The many faces from the chairs or wheelchairs glared at Mr. Cooper, as if testing him to see what he would do if they remained silent. Just like they did every week.

Out of the corner of his eye, Harley glanced at the girl next to him, Liesel, and grinned. Liesel grinned back, and they both went back to join the group-glare aimed at Mr. Cooper.

Liesel Bauer was an unbelievingly sweet brown-haired girl with a pair of purple glasses and a matching walker. She had cerebral palsy, but she didn't let that slow her down at all. Harley was ninety-nine percent sure she had a small crush on him, but he couldn't be certain when it came to girls.

Liesel was cute (and named after the Sound of Music). She was funny, kind, and bright. But she wasn't Gwen.

She hesitantly raised a shaking hand, thanks to CP, not nervousness, which made Harley blink in surprise. Liesel didn't like volunteering to speak up, as most people other than Harley apparently found it difficult to understand her slightly slurred speech. Mr. Cooper gave an enthusiastic nod and she blushed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She started speaking slowly, working hard to pronounce each word carefully. With a twinge of warmth, Harley admired her drive and determination.

"Yesterday," she started, shooting Harley a glance as if talking just to him, "my dad started planning our first vacation since my sister disappeared."

"That's great!" Mr. Cooper cheered when Liesel didn't continue, throwing his arms up in the air. "Where you guys headed?"


"Ohh, better be careful up there!" He forced a loud laugh. "Bears might getcha!"

"Bears are hibernating," she pointed out, and everyone chuckled, making Mr. Cooper blush.

"Yeah, I knew that. Just testing you."

Liesel gave Harley a look like Can you believe this guy? Harley chuckled.

"Something you'd like to share with the group, Mr. Keener?" Mr. Cooper snapped, folding his arms across his chest, still embarrassed from the hibernation thing. Liesel bit her lip and Harley heaved a huge, drawling sigh.

"Yeah, I've got something to say, all right," he said, jumping to his feet. His leg itself had gotten stronger to the point where he could walk short distances without his crutch and could even put a bit of weight on it without the brace. Thanks to the number the accident had done on his spine, though, he wasn't going to leave them behind any time soon.

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