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Gwen slid the CD into the player, fighting back tears as the familiar tune started to play through the living room. Each gentle bang on the drums seemed to urge her heart to beat faster. When the vocals started, she risked a glance behind her.

Harley was still sitting on the Stark's couch, fingering his old toy plane absent-mindedly and staring off into space, bouncing his knees impatiently like the ten-year-old he thought he was.

Slowly, his eyebrows knit together, and a look of recognition crossed his face. He glanced over at Gwen, and her heart leapt in her throat as he hesitantly stood. Taking one excruciatingly slow step at a time, he walked over to her, head tilting in confusion as he took in her expressions.

Gwen offered him a hand, swallowing back the rising lump of emotion in her throat. "Want to dance?" she asked softly, gazing up into his face that used to break into a smile whenever he looked at her.

Now, he just frowned in concentration, but traces of memories were scattered across his expression like broken sunbeams. Wordlessly, he put a hand to her waist and slid his other in her grasp. Gwen let the rhythm lead them, rocking slowly at first, then moving a little as the music picked up.

She didn't have to raise his hand when it came time for the twirl, and when she returned to the starting position, Harley seemed renewed with energy and less awkward, as if he suddenly remembered how the dance went.

They swung across the living room, Gwen trying her best to bury the old memories as Harley tried his hardest to retrieve them.

They'd experienced too much heartbreak over the last five years to be put into words, but now she was the only one who would remember them. Her love had been snatched from her, only to be brought back worse than before, a half-remembering boy dangling in front of her almost tauntingly. He was so close, yet he was farther away than what Gwen could have ever imagined.

She resisted the strong urge to bury her face in his shoulder and cry like she used to do, Harley's hand stroking her hair reassuringly. His hand still held hers, but it wasn't as tightly as he had always clutched it before.

Harley didn't need her trying to turn life back to the way it was like a rebellious horse yanking against the reins. Harley deserved the chance to slowly return to his normal life as much as he could, without Gwen as a distraction. But the more selfish part of her argued against it. What about what she deserved? Hadn't she gone through enough?

Harley's mother's words echoed in her ear, draining the emotions from her like a vacuum. If you truly love someone, you'll know when to let them go, allowing them to fly on their own.

She squeezed his hand, then let it go. She forced herself to step away, feet seeming like they were nailed to the floor. Step by step, she made her way out of the house and climbed into her car. She had college classes to resume, even if Harley wouldn't be with her, and things were bound to be crazy on campus now that everyone had returned. She needed to finish her degree so she could take care of little Stefan.

Maybe Harley would remember. Maybe the countless days and nights would come back to him someday. Maybe, just maybe, he would find his way back to her someday. But maybe he wouldn't. Maybe she would have to move on.

Either way, they would be broken. Memories, moments, and grief shining between the pieces like stained glass.

And broken was beautiful.

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