Breakfast (Good Morning, Brother)

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"No!" Peter Parker shrieked in a high-pitched voice, throwing a smooth black slab across the room. "That's not how its supposed to work!"

His enemy glared at him, her brown eyes cold and unforgiving. She slid her tongue over her teeth. "Too bad, so sad. That's the rules, Spider-Man. You betray me, you pay!"

"But it's not fair," Peter whined, cradling his head in his hands.

His enemy got up from her seat and paced the room in front of him, glaring down at his pathetic form. Peter braced himself for a fight, but he knew he couldn't win. He would never be able to beat this--it would just be something he would have to endure.

"Life isn't fair," his enemy hissed in his ear.

"Life may not be fair...but fights should be."

His enemy squared her shoulders, as if imagining facing off against him. "And why should I fight you? I would crush you like an ant!"

"Ants aren't that weak," Peter said, thinking of Ant-Man. "Or small."

"Are too," Morgan retorted, sticking out her tongue.

The board game Peter had chucked across the room had scattered all over Harley's in-progress potato guns on the floor. Mr. Stark had tried to tell him that wasn't a good spot for it, considering this was the toy-room, but Harley liked to work on it while he watched his Psych episodes.

Ever since the whole Saberling/Evil fiasco, nothing had been the same. Mr. Stark was always nagging Peter about being safe, Pepper continued to try and get him to leave his suit at home rather than taking it to school, and Harley and Morgan were always begging him to take them on swings.

And, of course, everyone was always a little wary when touching him.

He never meant to do any of the weird purple stuff--it just exploded out of him sometimes when he was upset or out on Spidey-patrols. He did identify the emotion it activated, though: anger. And not just everyday frustration when his egg exploded in the microwave. Fury that burned deep, a desire for more. A hunger for justice.

Or something.

He hadn't told anyone, but lately he'd been feeling occasional twitches. Sometimes they happened more than others, and it wasn't his spidey-sense. It was something embedded not as deeply and yet more powerful. He had a feeling it was whatever part of the power stone was inside of him. Maybe it meant that someone was using the power stone at those moments--and that was scary, because they were becoming more frequent. Last night, he hadn't been able to sleep because of them.

One this morning was so big he'd cried out and spit toothpaste all over the bathroom mirror--the power stone must've destroyed something humongous. Like a whole race of people or something.

He was beyond glad that HYDRA hadn't finished their 'experiment' on him--who knows what would've happened to him if they'd really taken control of him? Would be become brainwashed like Bucky had all those years ago?

Whatever would've happened, he didn't want to know. Or find out.

Morgan tackled him in a hug and climbed onto his back, yanking on his hair and giving him a kick like he was their miniature horse, Peanut. He whinnied and galloped out of the room, converse squeaking against the freshly polished floors.

He should probably be getting ready for school--he had a field trip to the Museum of Modern Art today. While he found modern art rather strange sometimes, it was cool to hang out with Ned, MJ, and Flash (his new friend), making comments on the abstract paintings and laughing at the teachers.

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