Totally Not A Date

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Gwen had been able to hear Harley's heartbeat the whole time.

She'd been worried he would give himself a heart attack as he asked her out, but thankfully, he had calmed down a bit after she'd had such an enthusiastic response.

Truthfully, she wasn't sure what to feel. She wasn't about to start dating her dead best friend's little brother, which was one of the reasons she'd blurted out the part about them going as friends.

But the way his eyes turned downcast just the slightest, the way his left shoulder dipped a bit. He'd looked so disappointed and tried so hard to hide it.

She felt kind of disappointed, too.

Quickly pushing those feelings aside, Gwen walked a little faster to Billy's school building, where he would be waiting outside.

When she got there, her mouth fell open in anger.

Poor little Billy looked like he had been pushed to the ground, surrounded by a few nasty-looking kids who were laughing. His interpreter was nowhere in sight, most likely having gone home for the day since school was over.

"What do you need these for, creep?" Gwen heard one of the kids shout. He ripped the headphones out of Billy's grasp and snapped them in half. Billy made a sound of protest and heartbreak---he'd loved those headphones.

"Hey!" Gwen shouted, running over, bookbag thumping against her back. She shoved her way through the kids, baring her teeth and giving them a death-look with a fire in her eyes. "Leave him alone!"

The biggest kid, clearly the leader, laughed. "Or what, princess? You gonna call for a knight in shining armor?" They all laughed, and Billy's lip trembled.

"I'll have you know," Gwen stated calmly, grabbing the nearest arm and twisting it behind the owner's back without looking, "that I have a knight in shining armor. He's right there." Billy grinned as she pointed at him and kicked the mean kid between the legs.

The big kid cracked his knuckles and darted forward to push her over, but Gwen was quicker. She ducked underneath his meaty arms, spinning round and delivering a hard punch his face. His friends released a collective "Ooh," as a shiny tooth flew out and he fell to the ground, skinning his elbows as he fell.

"Anyone else?" Gwen demanded sharply, turning in a little circle to glare at what was left of their group. They turned and fled like little puppies with their tails between their legs.

YOU O-K? Gwen asked, helping Billy off the ground. He had a bruise forming on his cheek and his hair was a little tousled, but other than that he looked fine. He stared up at Gwen in admiration.

FINE, BUT HEADPHONES... He picked up the two broken pieces from the ground, looking downcast. Gwen tapped his shoulder.


Billy's eyebrows shot up. REALLY?

YES! YOU BRAVE, NOT FEAR B-U-L-L-I-E-S. YOU DESERVE. "Knight in shining armor," she said, mouthing it carefully like Billy had showed her how he can understand it best. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment.




DUH! Gwen said with her expression, putting an arm around his shoulders. They started down the street.

As they walked, she remembered her meet-up with Harley. She glanced at her watch, sighing in relief when she saw she still had forty-five minutes.

Trying to force down the feelings of guilt, she continued walking.

~Broken Family~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz