Under the Sea

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Harley had been getting sick of having to sit around all the time.

After a successful visit to the doctor, he was finally allowed to use a pair of crutches, even though they were two regular ones that went under your arms rather than his one-arm crutch that he was used to. It would be another few weeks before he was allowed to walk on it, plus maybe a little extra so they didn't repeat last events. The doctors were guessing he could be on both feet by late October, and back to normal by the end of the year.

Whatever their standard for "normal" would be.

Going back to school without Clay was tough. He, like Gwen, only had one other friend who had left him for other people or another school. Clay hadn't even told Harley goodbye.

He had tried to blend into the shadows, like usual, but this time he didn't have a buddy to do it with him.

He started carrying a picture of Morgan and Peter around in his pocket instead. He wasn't sure why he hadn't ages ago---it brought him a little sense of comfort and reassurance. Until he pulled it out, saw their smiling faces, and his heart started aching again.

He missed them so much.

The two crutches made it harder to carry stuff around, too. He had to put them down to grab books from his locker, which was usually when people knocked them down. Purpose or accident, he didn't really care at this point. Teachers were usually more than patient if he was a few minutes late to class, especially if it was in a classroom upstairs or downstairs.

Don't even get him started on the stairs.

He was glad Tony had transferred him to a school with lots of access for kids with disabilities, like wheelchair ramps and lifts, but he didn't want to use those things. One, he might get in the way of a kid that actually needed to use it, and two, he didn't want extra help or attention. He was fine climbing the stairs just like everybody else, even if it meant he held up traffic a bit.

He didn't want to be different. Different was bad.

And he missed Gwen. He'd gotten used to seeing her nearly every day, but now, thanks to school, he only got to see her once he was able to start coming to her dance classes again. She was like the sun that broke through the stormy clouds that hung around him all the time.

When Tony finally let him go to her dance lessons again, he was buzzing with excitement.

"Can I drive?" he begged for the millionth time. Tony shook his head as they headed out the door, Harley practically jumping down the three steps.

"Nope. You're not allowed, not yet."

"That's not true!" he protested, shoving the crutches into the backseat before climbing into the passenger. "My right leg is just fine."

Tony waved his arm as he started his sports car. "Regardless, I don't want you driving while you're on the crutches."

"I'm always 'on the crutches,' Tony."

"You know what I mean! Your crutch."

They sped off in a cloud of dust, and even though the drive was excruciatingly long, Harley kept his excitement the whole way there. When they finally arrived, he leaped out of the car and hopped over to the backseat where he went to grab the crutches before Tony snatched them.

"When do I want you out here?" he quizzed, lowering his sunglasses. Harley groaned, leaning on the car door for support.

"Five-thirty! I know! Now gimme---"

"What do I not want you to do in front of the little kids?"

"Kiss Gwen or show any other visible sign of affection!" Harley desperately hopped over. "Tony, seriously! I can't---"

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