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Summary of book 1: Iron Family:
scroll all the way down for the short version XD

Peter Parker, a seemingly-wimpy high school kid, lost his Aunt May in a car accident shortly after his Uncle Ben was killed. Retreating to the streets so he could continue his second life as the hero Spider-Man, he lived for six months as another homeless face in the crowd that swarmed the sidewalks of New York.

Meanwhile, Tony Stark, who had married Pepper shortly after the events of Iron Man 3, was trying his best to balance life as a father of two. His birth daughter, Morgan, and foster son, Harley Keener, proved to be more trouble than they seemed. (Harley's mom had supposedly dumped him into the system, but had not been included in the fostering process.)

One day, as Peter was swinging around, a bank exploded, which he went to go check out. He was then attacked by kitchen appliances from the company Saberling Technology, which had strange weapons hidden inside. After defeating them, he changed back into Peter Parker and was inspecting one of the appliances, thinking about taking it to investigate it. Iron Man flew down, demanding to know what was happening, and Peter claimed that Spider-Man had come in and saved the day. Tony was skeptical of this, and even more so the kid. He invited Peter to come over for lunch and do an internship with him, although in reality, Tony simply wanted to interrogate him.

After interrogating Peter, who was hated by the rest of the Stark family except for Morgan, Tony sent him on his way. When doing a background check and discovering that Peter was homeless, he made him stay at the Stark Tower for a few days before finding him a foster family that seemed nice on the outside. As soon as Peter stepped through their doorway, he discovered that they were neglectful and abusive.

Tony continued to see Spider-Man with the Saberling appliances, so he assumed that Spider-Man was the evil one controlling them. He started an Avengers-wide hunt to bring the hero in, question him, and learn his identity. Peter, who was still going to the Stark Tower for his internship, was very alarmed when he discovered this.

The appliances continued to lurk in the shadows, just waiting to make Spider-Man look bad. A mysterious man in an ice cream truck threatened Peter to stop going after the appliances, and claimed he knew his identity.

Tony sold the tower and everyone moved to the compound. When he invited Peter to come over for another evening with the internship, Peter was very angry with him. He demanded that Tony stop hunting Spider-Man, his supposed best friend, but Tony said no. Peter turned his back and ran all the way home, but when he finally arrived at the house, his foster father beat him up very badly. His foster siblings helped him fight back and recover, now knowing that he knew how to throw a punch and protect them.

The next day, Tony came to Peter's foster family's house, thinking he should apologize to him. Upon seeing Peter's beaten-up state, he put two and two together and called S.H.I.E.L.D. cars to come down and arrest his foster parents.

Peter was taken in by the Starks, but he wasn't happy about it. Neither was Harley, who felt like he was being replaced. After all, every single person he cared about had turned away from him and Tony was all he had left. Tony was still hunting Spider-Man, but it wasn't until the hero saved Tony's Saberling-controlled car, which had gone out of control, from driving over a cliff that he finally believed he was innocent. He called off the chase, made Spider-Man a new suit, and they teamed up to hunt the CEO of Saberling Tech, Leonard Saber. Spider-Man, Tony, and the police stormed Leonard Saber's mansion, but they found his dead body. The police ruled it out as suicide, but Peter thought that he was murdered.

While he is looking into Saber's murder and tracking some appliances, the Vulture, who had teamed up with the ice cream man from Saberling, grabbed Peter in his claws and threw him into a lake (similar to the scene in Homecoming). Tony tried to tell Spider-Man to lay off of the appliances, but he wouldn't listen, trying to convince Tony that it was a real problem.

A lot of family bonding stuff happened, then Peter went out for a swing. He got captured by the ice cream man and started getting prepped to be sent to HYDRA so they could experiment on him and turn him into their weapon.

Tony knew Spider-Man was in trouble, so he went to his suit's last known location and broke him out of the base with the assistance of a rebellious scientist named Albrecht. Albrecht was killed by the ice cream man for his mutinous actions.

Tony and Peter fought off an army of appliances, but Peter wasn't doing too well thanks to his injuries from the prepping. He got shot in the lung amongst other less important injuries. The ice cream man, named Evil Guy, held a knife to his throat while threatening Tony to give him the remote that controlled his army of appliances. Tony threw him the remote, but the ice cream man stabbed Peter anyway.

Tony defeated Evil Guy and took Spider-Man back to the tower, where he learned of his identity.

However, the knife that Evil Guy stabbed Peter with (which he had purchased from the Vulture) had a piece of the power stone in it. Now Peter had the essence of the power stone as well as his spider powers, which made everyone, even his closest family, wary of him.

Additionally, after being told that Iron Man was the one to kill his father, Albrecht's son Clay was out for revenge.

Short version: Petey-boy is orphan. Tony-dude find Peter. Tony-dude adopt Peter.

The end :)

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